1 year ago
Cumbria, England

Hi, just wanted to ask about using Bizhawk/SMSHawk - known accurate emu so to me it makes sense it should be permitted.

New York, USA

The reason it is not allowed is not due to an accuracy issue, it is due to its TASing capabilities.

Cumbria, England

I can understand your apprehension over TAS powers but it is straightforward to show that no movie/tools are being used during a run, using input display etc. 99% of sega speedrun boards have no such restriction and don't encounter cheating problems above the capability of good mods. I'm sure you'd be just as capable of safeguarding the board with or without it.

New York, USA

To quote a post from BenInSweden in the Classic Sonic Speedrun discord: As always, the video I use for why we disallow bizhawk: this uses some of the same "proofs" that other communities have to prove-not-a-TAS. But has some Lua scripting running in Bizhawk that would be very hard to prove against (without modifying BH), that does a few extreme things with the run.

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