Runescape Speedrun : From Scratch to 10m maxed% in 2:04.37 by Gendarme
4 years ago
Oklahoma, USA

New for fun speedrun I created that's a bit too RNG heavy to be a serious run. But I had a blast with it regardless.

-Rules to start out:

-Time starts once you land on the Lumbridge lodestone.

-No items or starting money, Untradeables are okay but you have to retrieve them.(deposit required cash & you have to speak to NPC that you would get item from.)

-Turn off quick tele.(can turn on once you buy viswax and add charges.)

-No MTX, or Weekly / Monthly events like oyster.

-More to be added as discussed or if I miss something critical.

So I explain my thoughts behind this run in the first part of the video but I'll go ahead and reiterate it here as well.

I've loved watching speedruns ever since I found out about the hobby via early 2011-2012 GDQ and ESA clips. Ever since I try to watch every event now days with my wife and kids.

However, I really wanted to try a speedrun. My main thing was I didn't necessarily go with one of my old time favorite games like SMB, SM64, Pokemon Emerald, ect. I really wanted to try my hand at routing something. In comes Runescape, which I have played since 2002. The runs on RS are pretty limited to making new accounts and running quests, which makes the most sense as far as a clean even slate goes. I wanted to somehow use my Maxed account. As such I came up with this very RNG and more "fun" category of From Scratch to 10m.

I'm hoping we get a couple more people who give routing this run a shot and seeing how fast they can drop the time, I think we could have a fun small community trying figuring out different options.

If not thats fine as well, I really enjoyed the process and will try picking up another game to run in the future.

Thanks for reading!

Pear нравится это
United States

This sounds fun, kind of hard to make an actual leaderboard with how much luck there is though. Feel free to join the discord linked in the sidebar if you want to talk about this some more. Do hidey holes count as "from scratch"? I think easy clues would be a pretty strong start.

Pear и Gendarme нравится это
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