Old Builds Announcements
Old Builds Announcements
Опубликовано 2 months ago от

Hello everyone, so I have been reading all your comments and concerns about adding in old builds to the main page or category extensions. The main issue with adding in something like that is it's pretty big. It would take some time and it would involve most likely moving around categories to make space risking categories being wiped. And like I said it's pretty big so it most likely would make the page look cluttered and just wouldn't be appealing to anyone who views this page. So we the mod team were pretty much stuck.

So this brings me to the solution that hopefully will make everyone happy. I just recently partnered up with Epicquest on their speedrun page. If you don't know they make older builds to the game so that people can still experience RR when it was at its prime. I started to tinker with their page and completely revamped it so now it's more up to date. The page now has a selector to select from different years or different builds so you can speedrun any year you have available. The page is now up and running and anyone can play if they want to. Special thankyou to the entire team of EpicQuest for the partnership and lastly you all can now speedrun old builds and submit your runs to a category.

Link to the Speedrun Page:


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New Category Extension Category

Attention everyone, a new category for Category Extensions has been made. The category is called Mixed Weapons%. The category rules are as follows:

This category is Any% and only meant for multiplayer runs. Complete the game as fast as possible but everyone must be using a different weapon to main.

23 days ago
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