I- im hitting the record button on my OBS, check this shi- i- i- you know what, so like get your "hi youtube"'s and all that fuckin' shit out, I- I dont care if its memes or anything, people need to know that this shit is not doable, noone's gonna do this, yes i have text to speech donations but not bits unless its 100 bits. okay so, first off, first off, one, level 6, ramp dj, alright you know, we'll work our way up here, so check this out. The first like- the first like 1 minute of red ball is this section called "early game" to "mid game" so, this is how the section goes, does early game and fucks up TAS 3 that trick right there is already barely doable, and the only person who's (somewhat) consistent at it is, probably maximum, he's the only- he's the only person that is somewhat consistent at TAS 3, that really- thats u, how presice is that trick? 1 pixel perfect jump, you can do that- that trick is already barely doable, already barely doable, ok? Alright, so imagine being on 0x pace past there, past level 4, which has those- those fantasic stairs- stairs right here, it has this, wait for it, wait for it, going past red plungers this is already pretty chokeable as well, does stairs perfectly so imagine being on 0x pace past the stairs, and getting back here, k? And then, right after level 4, right after the secton i just beat, you have this to worry about, fucks up ramp dj a million times so imagine the nerves, imagine the nerves being on 0x pace past that, ok, ramp dj, this is one- this is the first part, um, that is, most unlikely to happen in an 0x pace run past level 4. I have still yet to be on 0x pace past that section, exactly, exactly! I really do not see anybody ever being on 0x pace past ramp dj, there's no way anyone's gonna be on 0x pace past ramp dj, now wait- no, no, now you might say, "oh, but what if, what if somebody does, what if somebody does?" and you're right.It's fine, we can- we can theorize that all we want, so, a little bit later, this is all easy bullshit to uh, to us elite red ball players, um, except for one part, except for one part right here, this little section called 8 cycle skip, now, check this out, this is fine, this is fine, this is fine, its like uhhh no big deal its just jumping off a ramp, you can do that with practice fucks up the cycle skip, check out that cycle skip, look at what we just played and check out the cycle skip, and how hard that small jump is so you can get past the second plunger in time, look at this, look at that, imagine, alright so now- now, review, review, ok? What did we talk about before? we talked about ramp dj, imagine being on 0x pace past that and then having to deal with 8 cycle skip too, yknow? Imagine that, ok, and thats not even- thats not even uhhh, i mean those are the big parts, yknow 8 cycle skip, not even very possible to be on 0x pace up to, even, noone will be on 0x pace past 8 cycle skip, uh, if they do i'll give them 100 bucks, straight up. and then, after that, we gotta worry about this too, man. does ninja on the bridge skip imagine, imagine being on 0x pace up to here, also, you got this too, does yolo balls, yolo balls, its pretty bad, but yeah if anyone on this planet was 0x pace up to yolo balls, the nerves would be so hard, you wouldnt be able to feel your hands. Like how would you even do this, imagine being on 0x pace up to here, thats all i really have to say, thats why nobody is ever gonna get 3:0x, nobody at all, we got, ramp dj, we got 8 cycle skip, imagine being on 0x pace up to there, yolo balls, pshht, pussy shit, everyone's done that, but imagine getting up to that on 0x pace, thats why i keep saying nobody is going to get 0x.
I- im hitting the record button on my OBS, check this shi- i- i- you know what, so like get your "hi youtube"'s and all that fuckin' shit out, I- I dont care if its memes or anything, people need to know that this shit is not doable, noone's gonna do this, yes i have text to speech donations but not bits unless its 100 bits. okay so, first off, first off, one, level 6, ramp dj, alright you know, we'll work our way up here, so check this out. The first like- the first like 1 minute of red ball is this section called "early game" to "mid game" so, this is how the section goes, does early game and fucks up TAS 3 that trick right there is already barely doable, and the only person who's (somewhat) consistent at it is, probably maximum, he's the only- he's the only person that is somewhat consistent at TAS 3, that really- thats u, how presice is that trick? 1 pixel perfect jump, you can do that- that trick is already barely doable, already barely doable, ok? Alright, so imagine being on 0x pace past there, past level 4, which has those- those fantasic stairs- stairs right here, it has this, wait for it, wait for it, going past red plungers this is already pretty chokeable as well, does stairs perfectly so imagine being on 0x pace past the stairs, and getting back here, k? And then, right after level 4, right after the secton i just beat, you have this to worry about, fucks up ramp dj a million times so imagine the nerves, imagine the nerves being on 0x pace past that, ok, ramp dj, this is one- this is the first part, um, that is, most unlikely to happen in an 0x pace run past level 4. I have still yet to be on 0x pace past that section, exactly, exactly! I really do not see anybody ever being on 0x pace past ramp dj, there's no way anyone's gonna be on 0x pace past ramp dj, now wait- no, no, now you might say, "oh, but what if, what if somebody does, what if somebody does?" and you're right.It's fine, we can- we can theorize that all we want, so, a little bit later, this is all easy bullshit to uh, to us elite red ball players, um, except for one part, except for one part right here, this little section called 8 cycle skip, now, check this out, this is fine, this is fine, this is fine, its like uhhh no big deal its just jumping off a ramp, you can do that with practice fucks up the cycle skip, check out that cycle skip, look at what we just played and check out the cycle skip, and how hard that small jump is so you can get past the second plunger in time, look at this, look at that, imagine, alright so now- now, review, review, ok? What did we talk about before? we talked about ramp dj, imagine being on 0x pace past that and then having to deal with 8 cycle skip too, yknow? Imagine that, ok, and thats not even- thats not even uhhh, i mean those are the big parts, yknow 8 cycle skip, not even very possible to be on 0x pace up to, even, noone will be on 0x pace past 8 cycle skip, uh, if they do i'll give them 100 bucks, straight up. and then, after that, we gotta worry about this too, man. does ninja on the bridge skip imagine, imagine being on 0x pace up to here, also, you got this too, does yolo balls, yolo balls, its pretty bad, but yeah if anyone on this planet was 0x pace up to yolo balls, the nerves would be so hard, you wouldnt be able to feel your hands. Like how would you even do this, imagine being on 0x pace up to here, thats all i really have to say, thats why nobody is ever gonna get 3:0x, nobody at all, we got, ramp dj, we got 8 cycle skip, imagine being on 0x pace up to there, yolo balls, pshht, pussy shit, everyone's done that, but imagine getting up to that on 0x pace, thats why i keep saying nobody is going to get 0x.
YEP copypasta
Memes aside, sub 20 train is by far the easiest way to get 0x.
idk about that, you need sub 20 on top of a run thats faster than wr today, you can do 8 cycle skip and ramp dj on top of a perfect run and get 0x
Just replicate Max's popoff after every level Powers you up just enough to 0X
you need to do the Acai and make a video of people hitting the hard strats and then eg getting 3:07
This chat is dead, but I’m from the future where sub 20 train is almost normal for a speedrun to have.
(copied from discord announcement)
The migration of IL runs from Red Ball Category Extensions has been completed. ILs are now hosted on the Level leaderboard of each individual game in the Red Ball series. The RBCE IL board will remain up for a few days until everything has been archived, but no