General Movement
General Movement
Обновлено 3 years ago от Zonby

There is always a lot of distance to travel during your runs, and learning how to keep speed is always welcome to improve your times. (PD: check the end of the guide, you will find reference videos for all the content explained here).

General techniques

Momentum - Bunnyhop: In many games, there is a technique or trick called Momentum, where you just need to dont perform any directional imputs, while jumping (this is also known as Bunnyhop), there are 3 instances where this trick can't be done, which are:

  • Rose jumping.
  • Hovergoat jumping.
  • IMP while double jump.

Because in every situation, you will down in middair.

With Momentum, you can keep any kind of speed from abilities, slopes-downhills, etc, as soon as you avoid staying o the ground for much time.

Backwards Boosting: There are only two abilities that allows you to grind extra horizontal speed while middair:

  • Soldier's rocket jump (default ability).
  • Delivery Chomper's Rocket jump (only avalible in "Chomper's Pizza" category).

To perform this trick, you have to use the ability, and while you are in the air, quickly go backwards, and then forward. The most optimal way to perform this, is as soon as your character gets a launch force when using that ability.

Throwable Mounting: You can mount some spawneable abilities that works as spheres to both get their launch speed added to your speed, being pushed to certain places, perform DOUBLE JUMPS, or if you are lucky (or unlucky) enought being strongly thrown to an unconsistant direction. The most common cases are:

  • Bean bombs (Peashooter)
  • Mega Heal Bomb (Scientist)
  • IMP Punt (Allstar)

Neutral Jumping: When holding a directional imput (W, Left stick up), your character speed locks with the corresponding speed you must have, and, on middair, that speed is even lower. If you want to perform jumps without losing a little of speed, just jump and dont touch directionals until you are going to land.


The most useful plants to use while speedrunning are Citron and Peashooter, because they both have vertical and horizontal ways to move fast.

Citron: Citron can use his Spin Dash ability to basicly get the fastest speed in the game, and if its on cooldown, he can use his speed boost ability to jump higher and move faster. However, they have their cooldown and you have to wisely use em. Citron has 2 advanced techniques.

  • Spin Cancel: Citron Spin Dash has 3 phases:
    • Charge
    • Acceleration
    • Speed Losing To perform this technique, you have to both be in middair during the switch from phase 2->3 (staying on a ledge as example), or cancelling the Dash ability before reaching the phase 2->3 switch using the interaction button (Circle on PS4, B on Xbox, and the one to interact with stuff on PC).
  • High Jump Cancel: Citron can cancel his ball form on middair while having the Speed bust ability active, with that, he will get a better heigh than normal, it must be canceled as the same way with the Spin cancel, and, the cancel must be pressed as soon as you jump with the ability activated.

Peashooter: Peashooter has 2 advanced techniques as well.

  • Double Bean Jump: You have to trigger your Hyper ability, then, jumping, thworing a bean bomb, and then, spamming the jump button. That´s the easiest way to perform the trick, but, with a good timing, you can get one of the jump variants.
    • Height ++
    • Speed ++
    • Speed + and height +
    • Gliding (slow) I suggest you to get the Dark Bean Bomb ability to practise or use this technique, because it can handle 2 charges, so if you fail the 1st jump, you can still recover.
  • Bean Push-teleport: Bean Bomb colisions are glitched, and with it, you can abuse their geometry (as said before) to get pushed-teleported on a random direction, if you are lucky enought, you can escape from death, or reach your destinion faster.

Kernel Corn: He only has one "technique", and a good amount of damage that can be dealt with his abilities.

  • Hush Hop Momentum: You can use his Husk Hop ability to get lineal speed, basically, you have to release every directional input, and jumping as soon as you reach the ground. I suggest you to jump before triggering the ability, because you will end a little close to the ground, and like that, you won't lose much speed.

Chomper: Chomper has one technique and a well known trick:

  • Burrow Speed Keeping Momentum: Burrow gives chomper aditional speed, that can be used to travel or annoy zombies, and, as told here, you can keep that speed using momentum as soon as the ability ends, or, cancelling the ability manually, and start spamming. You can get a better effect using Hot Rod Chomper variant + 2 speed boosts + Sprint burrow.
  • Zombie Disarming: Burrow can disarm both shields, armors, and cancel invencibility phases of some bosses, saving precious time.

Sunflower, Rose, Cactus and Torchwood dont have any relatable speed gathering trick.


Superbrainz: He is with no doubts the most versatile zombie to run because of his default superjump, melee damage, and speed. He has one Tech to consideer.

  • Heroic Kick Momentum: Your ability reloads a charge in 12 seconds, so if you fail both kicks, you can easily recover.
    • Middair Kick: As soon as you land, you will lose all your speed, you can't do anything about it, just not starting a heroic kick while middair. This can be viable when landing on slopes without gaining speed (like the tall bushes between the soccer field and Chomper's Pizza).
    • Ground Kick: Hold the jumping button almost at the end of the kick, and you will immediately jump, dont forget to release every directional input to keep speed.


  • Backwards Boosting: As said at the beggining, you can perform this one only with your default Rocket Jump ability.
  • Rocket Leap Speed Keeping: Rocket leap is an alternative ability that replaces Rocket Jump. You can use Momentum + jumping to keep the speed you gain, after landing. Notice that both Rocket Leap and Rocket Jump can give speed, but Rocket Jump depends of Backwards Boosting to get speed, and Rocket leap doesn't need it, and if you ever wanna try Backwards Boosting with Rocket leap, you will lose speed.


  • Jackhammer Speed Keeping: Turbo Jackhammer and Jackhammer gives you aditional speed (x2.0 Turbo and x1.5 Default) and jumping heigh boost (x1.3 Turbo and x1.4 Default), and once they end (or you cancel em), you can use momentum to keep that speed for a longer time.


  • Mega Heal Bomb Mounting: Mega Heal Bomb has a fuse before exploding, and also, a throwing speed that can be used with the right timing to boost yourself in a straight line. And, if you step on it, you might be strongly pushed towards a random direction.


  • Imp Punt Mounting: The same that happens with the Scientist's Mega Heal Bomb, but it has a short fuse.
  • Tackle Speed Preserve: All-star has two tackle abilities, the default one (fast), and the alternative one (damage, slow recharge and no speed boost aftear its end), you must use Tacklewhile (extra points if done middair), and then not doing movement imputs, plus jumping.

There are no featured speed keeping tricks with Hovergoat, Deadbeard or IMP.

Stuff you probably wanna see

FlameCaster - Creator of this web app, it has DETAILED information about each ability, variant and class.

ZEROxFUSIONZ - (Momentum - Bunnyhop tutorial)

Zonby - (Neutral Jumping ) (Turn on the subtitles)

Zonby - (Backwards Boosting (With Delivery Chomper))

Zonby - (Citron Spin Cancel (Without cancelling - Ledge method))

Zonby - (Citron Spin Cancel (Cancelling method)) (Turn on the subtitles)

Zonby - (Citron's High Jump Cancel (Old video)) (Turn on the subtitles)

Krook - (Bean Jumping (Double Bean Jump))

Zonby - (Engineer Jackhammer Speed Keeping)

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