Category Requests!
4 years ago
United Kingdom

If you want a category to be added, Send them here and we will decide if it should be in or not.

CuteCreeper и The_Fool_Card_0 нравится это
Anaheim, CA, USA

Hey, sorry about the spam. My internet was having trouble, and I clicked on it too many times. My account is like a day old, so I couldn't reply to your message. sorry again.

CuteCreeper нравится это
United Kingdom

It's fine! Just please don't do it again

  • Fenuguu
CuteCreeper и The_Fool_Card_0 нравится это
United States

I would like 4 categories which goes as follows: Levels 1-6 Levels 7-12 Levels 13-18 Levels 19-24

That was there chunks of the game and for less experienced players can do Levels 1-6 Also Sorry if I spam somehow, I sometimes accidentally spam on Speedruns.

United States

Also Maybe IL levels one for each level that can easily be optimized to max. Also you should probably add another Mod as you rarely get on.

Fenuguu нравится это
United States

Omg You are on that is so cool!

United Kingdom

Sorry, I'll be more active on the website, also i will add those :)

CuteCreeper нравится это
United Kingdom

just finished adding then :)

CuteCreeper нравится это
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