Опубликовано 1 year ago от

We have decided to make some changes to the highscore rules, All top 10 runs on mobile and All emulator runs going forward REQUIRE video proof that shows all the gameplay.

Any runs submitted after this post that do not meet these requirements will be rejected.

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Опубликовано 1 year ago от

Emulators are now allowed on the leaderboard. Emulator runs are separate from Mobile with a subcategory, Emulator runs also ALWAYS Require in-game sound.

That is all for now, Happy running! -The Pou Mod Team.

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Опубликовано 2 years ago от

Due to sudoku runs being faked recently using edited screenshots, All top 10 runs from this moment forward REQUIRE video proof. We hope this does not hinder people who do legitimate runs. Run done before this day will not be removed (Unless found to be illegitimate). If you find any suspicious runs make sure to report them in the discord server's "Needs a review" channel.

That's all for now, Happy running!

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Опубликовано 2 years ago от

It has recently come to our attention that a lot of runs for round based minigames have been timed incorrectly (mainly Find Pou) This is because some were treated as if these minigames worked with points, which they don't. Meaning that they were timed with the time ending when (for example) the 20th round was reached when it is meant to end when the round is passed, We are currently in the process of documenting all of these runs and fixing them. Please note that if your can not be fixed due to it not completing the last round that is required for the achievement it will be removed. I understand that this might be upsetting to some people, as a run that you thought was valid could be removed. if you have any questions or concerns let me know.

This will affect the following minigames: Connect, Find Pou, Pou words and Pou Sounds. And will only affect the Achievements category.

That's all, Happy running!

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Опубликовано 2 years ago от

Hi all! I have some quick news from the moderation side of Pou.

It is with great pleasure that I welcome our newest moderator, @jensj56. They have already verified over 120 runs, going well beyond the expectation and clearing the entire queue! We believe they will be an excellent addition to the moderation team.

Additionally, @pronoob has been dismissed from the mod team due to inactivity. We thank him for his time and effort as a Pou moderator.

That's all for now, we may add more new moderators as the need arises (mod applications are still open). Thanks,

The Pou Moderation Team

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Опубликовано 3 years ago от

Hello all! Speedrun.com has added a news section (as you probably noticed if you are reading this). This section (as well as Discord) will be used to make general announcements about leaderboard and rule changes. The update has also come with a comment feature, please refrain from using the comment feature to troll or spam. Of course helpful comments are encouraged but please keep things free of spam and trolling.

I would like to remind everyone that all runs are required to show play or restart being pressed, and include game audio if they are top 10 (top 50 in sky hop). We have gotten an influx of runs recently that do not follow the rules, and we would like to ask everyone to please read the game and category rules before submitting a run. Also as a general reminder, everyone should join the Discord if they have not already. The link can be found under the "follow" button at the top of the screen.

That's all for now. Thanks.

- Garsh

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Updates to highscore rules

We have decided to make some changes to the highscore rules, All top 10 runs on mobile and All emulator runs going forward REQUIRE video proof that shows all the gameplay.

Any runs submitted after this post that do not meet these requirements will be rejected.

1 year ago
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