Routing Guide
6 years ago
Michigan, USA

Thank you for adding the route! I'll see if I can find a quicker way of accomplishing any% though (perhaps I'll make a copy of what you made and change the order a little bit). Until then, have fun! :D


If you find any route that is faster, even if there are only a few changes on what I tried, comment here, then I can change in the document (I'll make a log with the changes at the end of the document so people can see how we made it to what we have)

Michigan, USA

That would actually work!

Michigan, USA

Currently making my take on the route. I'll send it to @BabyWolf once it is complete and he'll use it to make v1.2

Edited by the author 6 years ago

I took a look on your version, and some time savers were so obvious, but I didn't see them kkkkkk Probably gonna test your version till the end of the week and see if I can beat my PB (which is way more detailed than mine, tks for taking the time to write everything) (oh, and I'm a "she")

Michigan, USA

Oh. Sorry. should have asked you about gender beforehand. hehe.

Yeah. You should be able to get a low time. I have an 18 minute on PC.

It might be harder for you to perform some exploits because of Wii playing quicker


I'll try your route tomorrow/today (12/12) and see what time I get. Problably change a few things because it's on wii, but might not be a lot. I'll write if there is any question on your route, maybe some details like bolted doors, dk...


Got 22:50 or something like this. The new route saved me 3 minutes, and I discovered I can skip some monologues. Made some major mistakes too that added maybe 30 seconds to the time or a bir more, don't know for sure. Going to record the run this weekend I think

Michigan, USA

Okay! Take your time!

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