What is your biggest choke point in runs
1 month ago
United States

Mine is summit 3, specificly the basketballs

United States

Forgot to mention try to name what physics patch you are running

North Carolina, USA

summit 1 easily in any patch

United States
  1. If you want an order it goes 3, 1, 6, 4, 5, 2 for current and 3, 6, 4, 1, 2, 5 for creative
Edited by the author 1 month ago
United States

easily summit 3 basketballs for me

North Carolina, USA

@Reilers if you learn the route for basketballs it becomes very consistent, it's easily the biggest chokepoint for casual players but not necessarily for speedrunners.

United States

Also for me its everywhere because for some reason sometimes my up arrow doesn't work and I can't double jump for some weird reason (Can someone tell me why)

Edit: Never mind sometimes it just doesn't work

Edited by the author 1 month ago
United States

@retrozy yeah, i just have a skill issue

Richmond, VA, USA

LAG if I'm on an insane run sometimes I'll aggressive terribly, or even worse teleport me 5 ft to the right

United States

Ok so I see that we’re talking about specific points and not summits so current is easily first laser cycle of 6 because it basically makes or breaks the run and creative is either the alt TAS route, first half of 4, or bench boost carry

United States

This is about what kills most of your runs so points or summits is fine.

Anyway, I haven't got back to summit 2 without a major mistake because my up arrow is the equilivent of a 1950 computer running Genshin Impact on full graphics

United States

@BenjiWii yeah i just take the lasers safe, once i get advanced enough i will have to risk my run on the lasers

United States

@Reilers Lasers are luck though so it might as well be the biggest choke point for any speedrunner wanting a very good time

United States

Excuse me, how would we get on the leaderboard if we can’t record videos? I really want to get on it but i can’t record videos :(.

United States

@thegreatdoggy you can use the input recorder in resources

United States

and for me its summit 1 without a doubt, takes me like 50 attempts per acceptable summit 1

United States

@olleia bruh It takes me 5 entire attempts to just get a summit 1 of like 1:10

Edit: Actually more like 17

Edited by the author 25 days ago
United States

i just go with a mid summit 1 because i know my PB has a bad ending so i can make a comeback

Edited by the author 26 days ago
United States

mine is on summit six. I always either fall, or get zapped by a lazer!

United States

So uh I tried to do a Gimkit run today and I failed at summit 3 miserably so yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh summit 3 == choke point. Stools are soooooo annoying and hard, shelf part is inconsistent, so as the basketballs, I can never jump and turn around at the same time so I lose momentum, last part is also inconsistent, never once got to summit 6 lasers because the plant things, yeah I fell off.

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