Sub-30 minute Runs without videos
9 years ago
Minnesota, USA

I haven't gotten a sub 30 run yet but I probably will soon, but I don't have any means to upload a video. I have a Youtube and a Twitch but I don't stream and I don't upload. Do we NEED to post a video link if we sub-30? If not, can anyone help me get the things I need to create videos/streams? I also am not able to post times on the NSMBU Leaderboard and Splatoon due to this.


speedrunsRus likes this
Massachusetts, USA

plz link your YT as well or otherwise you'll be called a cheater like me (maybe) but still if you can link YT, that'd be nice and also I can't record that well either and i can't record this game because I have no wii capture card and now I know dolphin emulator is not allowed and it makes viruses :P. I might be able to work something out but it won't be certain I guess.

Minnesota, USA

Ok thanks! I do have a thing that just takes a composite input and then records it to my computer (its essentially and capture card) but the audio is broken so it would only take the video and the picture would be distorted due to the signal from the wii having to be split. Hopefully this is ok and if so, I'll try to record my future runs.


Use a webcam or smartphone people

1UpsForLife likes this
Massachusetts, USA

i don't got NUTTIN to record with and emu is not allowed so i'm sorry :(.


Invest in a webcam. They cost like 10 - 15$

1UpsForLife likes this
Minnesota, USA

Ok, but there's still a problem. Obviously, when I record a video of a run, there's copyrighted content in it. So it would get taken down or something. I'm new to Youtube and don't want to do anything wrong. I've been considering the Nintendo Creators Program and although it seems to get a lot of hate in the internet, would it make it legal to post videos with Nintendo content? (and maybe earn some $ in the process?)

Massachusetts, USA

put it at a +1 or -1 pitch just change the pitch slightly

TheGlitched64 likes this
Victoria, Australia

I upload it on YouTube and yes, it got copyrighted, but, it didn't get taken down, instead Nintendo monetized it for themselves, so, as long as the majority has ad block, there were no real consequences.

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