PSTV and PSN issue
4 months ago
United Kingdom

Hello! Since recently moving into PSN runs for the 1st time I've noticed that the PSTV times are loading at an incredible pace compared to the other ports within the category. I think the Jill any% time and Jill arrange times should be within EMU with a separate sub category for PSTV I noticed straight away when the opening text leaves the screen with ''Yet...'' and instantly went into gameplay. PSN should have the few seconds of blank screen then gameplay. Over the space of an hour of gameplay, PSTV will most likely be running 5-10 minutes faster than the other ports within the category making it impossible to match the time unless you have the PSTV itself. Separating PSTV will correct the PSN category. Just making you aware as its gone unnoticed :)

revolutionchild likes this
Massachusetts, USA

In order to play on the PSTV you need to have a PSN account and buy the game from their store, therefore putting it into the PSN category. Taking it out wouldn't be 'correct' as you put it. I understand that the PSN category covers a lot of different ports of the game (PS3, 4, 5, PSTV, PSVita, PSP) and each one has their own differences in load time. What makes PSTV any different to run against then going against a PSP time? Or a PS4? If you want a 'correct' board on the basis that different systems run at different speeds then each individual platform would need to get it's own board. How many people are going to run on the PSVIta boards? The PS4 boards?

Why stop there? There are 3 different versions of Resident Evil that can be run on PlayStation and Emulator with RE: Director's Cut being the fastest. Should we make separate categories in case someone has a slower version of the game? There are 5 different models of PS2s that can be used, all with different internals effecting load times. Should those get their own categories based on the fact that one model PS2 is slightly faster and someone might have a slower time? The English versions of the game are more difficult and slower then the Japanese versions due to text speed and enemy health. Should those be separated as well?

There are already 184 different categories to run in this game (Between the main boards and categories extensions). Further separating things into new categories is only going to make that much worse. If people are worried about their PS3 runs not being able to compete with PSTV then they can always use the filters option and compare themselves to other PS3 runs.

deserteagle417, SenhorX, and Symm like this
United Kingdom

Simplify things and remove pstv or it leaves the entire category abit of a mess, or with PS3, PS4 and PSTV all loading at different speeds, make sub categories for the 3 within PSN?

Edited by the author 4 months ago
revolutionchild likes this
United States

In all honesty, many games in the Resident Evil series really separate platforms too much as is, especially the older titles. That being said, the PSN category is defined as the category for playing the version of the game you get from PSN. The loading time issue is on you to get the one that loads the fastest. If we start separating things based on load times, we'd already have to separate PS1, PS2, PS3 for physical disc as they all load at different speeds (which is not going to happen because it's literally the same disc that you chose to put into different hardware), not to mention that PS2 has the option for Fast Disc Speed. Taking that even further, as Rac said, within a single console, the different models load at different rates (idk about PS1, but this is definitely true for PS2 and PS3).

Historically, PSN used to be split across two different categories, PlayStation and EMU, neither of which it could be competitive in because the PSP was competing with EMU and the PS3 and PS4 were competing with PS2. I made the decision to create the PSN category mostly because the PSP should not have been competing with EMU and I brought all the other PSN versions together into this category because, well, they're all the PSN version and this is the most fair environment they've ever been in. In all honesty, the PlayStation category should just include all of these versions (physical disc and PSN digital versions) as they're all just the console version. There's no plan to do this at present, but looking at the times on the boards, a really good case for doing exactly that could be made. Perhaps it will in the future, but the PSN category is barely over a year old, so I'd rather wait to see if it significantly pulls away from PS2 or not.

There's no reason to subdivide this game even more than it already is. As Rac points out, adding a new console subdivision creates 32 new boards for each one. Each further subdivision also cheapens the notion of a "world record" in the category to the point that it's near meaningless. If we were to divide it even more, thereby creating probably 100+ new boards with zero runs in most of them, someone plopping down a whatever time in all of the empty categories is doing it for "I have 50 RE1 GoldTrophy.png's, look at me, I'm so cool!" purposes, not because of any desire to seriously compete for a good time.

End of the day, if you really want the top time in a given category, you get the hardware to do it; otherwise we're going to start seeing obnoxious statements like "I have the world record in the PS3, CECH-4011B, Digital PSN, Arrange, Jill, NMG, No Restriction category". For the PlayStation category, this means you get a JP SCPH-90000 model, a good condition copy of Biohazard Director's Cut, and run on fast disc speed. For PSN, this means you get a PSTV (or possibly a PSP, it remains to be seen which is faster) with a JP PSN account and get the JP version of Biohazard Director's Cut. If the JP version ever makes it to PS5, I reckon that one might end up the fastest, but who knows if that'll ever happen. Yes, the PSTV and PSP are old hardware, but this is an old game, so that should be expected. Accessibility issues to older hardware are what the EMU category is there for (of which, there are two, by the way!). If you want to compare just with other runs on your favorite piece of hardware, the filters are there for exactly that reason.

SenhorX and Raclesis like this
Galicia, Spain

I wish more people would give emulator a chance. It runs on a toaster, you don't need to spend cash on video/audio capture equipment and it's the closer you can get to the original Playstation experience without compromising competition on equal terms. At the end of the day PSN is another form of emulation.

Edited by the author 4 months ago
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