Any tips for 00 and 12 cube throw?
6 months ago
Kentucky, USA
Any/All, He/Him
6 months ago

Most of my runs die to it. However all my PB's use it so I have to do it. Any tips?

South Australia, Australia

Disclaimer: I did not write this. (Was written by Sib for 12 cubethrow)

  1. Do not load a save during the level unless its the only way to save the run.

  2. Grab the side of the cube that points towards the 12 elevator (if you follow step 1 this will never be bad side)

  3. Never move your mouse above flat when doing your throw motion. Brisk and smooth.

  4. Do the mouse motion with your arm not your wrists or fingers if your sensitivity situation allows for that.

  5. Always walk as far to the edge as you can safely before throwing

  6. Try to approach the edge holding the cube in a way that doesn't obstruct your view of the button. This will improve your horizontal aim.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 6 months ago
København, Denmark

first of all, 00 cubethrow saves like 1 second, beyond that with questions like these, you should probably just ask them in the #help channel in the discord server

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