Timing in min movements
2 years ago
Madrid, Spain

Since this is a speedrunning website and the min movement category currently looks like a joke given that you can get free wrs with no skill by just following the routes that others use and without having to do anything even remotely hard, Id consider making time count for the category. You could do this by making players input their time as normal and add 1 minute for each movement. That way the category will be actually competitive as people will have to avoid unnecessary movements but also go fast. If thats too similar to any%, meaning that the routes for every level are the same then Id consider deleting the category entirely. I know that some wouldnt be happy about it, but given the low effort required in the category not much would be lost. If you cant or dont want to retime all of the runs you can ask for help from other people (you could probably find 10 people willing to retime 50 runs each) or delete the category. Please change the category. Thanks for your time

GoIdenBoy и killerkun... нравится это

Okay, I will consider that. However, mini move runs used to have the same rules as Any%, but since the rule change, there are much fewer runs where the time can be calculated the same way as Any%. So when porting a category, you will have to change the location for retiming.

So deleting categories is the easiest solution, but I am a little disappointed that in that case the places where you can use glitch in cavern are almost gone.

In other words, if it were deletion or category migration, I would choose the migration path. But if I can't decide how to retime a run that can't be retimed under the Any% rule, I'll probably go with deleting the category.

Oh_my_gourdness и GoIdenBoy нравится это
United States

Please don't delete the category. Some of the min moves for the levels were very difficult challenges to overcome, and some of them even took 30 mins to learn and pull off. I don't see how time must be a factor for these runs, and adding a time factor would just make this into a second any% category.

United States

Isn't min moves just Any% anyways? People like the mods and fioresa submit their min moves runs as Any% runs because they do these runs fast enough to be a speedrun. So, what's the point of the category besides giving a bunch of free WRs? Just delete the category, there is no point in keeping the category if the alternative is Any% again.

Oh_my_gourdness и GoIdenBoy нравится это
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Notice of Planned Deletion of Minimove

The Minimove category is scheduled to be deleted on 2022/8/16 at 20:00 JST. Until then, we will continue to accept runs as before. If you would like to delete a run, please do so before the above time.

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