I will give you everything that works to troubleshoot a mouse. Even if you have tried a step please do it over in sequence. I will be standing by to help as needed.
Try all other ports on the PC, often the front and back will have different USB controllers
When did it last work correctly? What has changed since then? Is there a System Restore point to roll back to before then?
Change the batteries if wireless, try another USB port, reset mouse from button on bottom if available.
Try the mouse in another PC to isolate if it's the mouse or Windows causing this.
Try another mouse in this PC to confirm if Windows is the problem.
Access the Device Manager reached by right clicking the Start button, choose the Mouse, then Driver tab. First try Update this Driver > Automatically, then Roll Back if available. If not choose Uninstall button, restart PC using keyboard to Ctrl Alt Del, on blue screen tab to Power Icon in bottom right, press Enter, arrow down to Restart, press Enter to restart to reinstall the driver.
If this fails then from Device manager try uninstalling the USB controllers, restart PC to reinstall. First program the power button to Shut down the PC at Settings > System > Power & Sleep > Additional Power Settings > Choose what Power button does so you can do the restart from it.
Is there mouse software installed in Settings > Apps > Apps & Features? Uninstall it to see if the problem stops. This is unneeded bloatware.
Adjust the mouse settings in Settings > Devices > Mouse, checking all settings including the Additonal Mouse Options box - check Settings on all tabs.
Report back all results for possible other things to try.
To check if Windows is causing this you can also go over this checklist to make sure the install is set up correctly, optimized for best performance, and any needed repairs get done.