questions about what is and isn't allowed
7 years ago
United States

is it allowed to quit the game using the home button and reload the game to take advantage of when the game saves? (it saves at the end of each turn)

New York, USA

Can you be a bit more specific? I don't really understand your question in regards to the game saving each turn.

United States

say you roll an 8 to get to a mansion and you don't get what you wanted. you can close the game using the wii remotes home button. after this you can open the game and load the save your game made. you are then back at the spot you were at at the beginning of this paragraph. you can then roll an 8, get to the mansion and possibly get what you want.

New York, USA

Yea, that would be allowed.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

If you're running boss rush, is 1p2c allowed, or do you need a second player with you?

New York, USA

A little bit late, but Yes. Submit it under Solo and put 2 cpus, to represent there's 2 controllers plugged in and on, and 2 slots that are open.

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