New category proposals
5 years ago

Hello everyone. We are open for any proposals in regards to adding new categories to our Gen 4 category extensions leaderboards.

Please post these requests below this post.

Some of the rules before requesting a new category:

  • You must have completed at least one run of the proposed category.
  • The goal and the restrictions should not be too arbitrary. The goal of the category should have some appeal in a casual sense of the game or just be a common meme.

Please also request Alt Main Pokes requests here if you have completed a run of this.

Please specify the ruleset that is used for your category precisely, in order for us to be able to copy them over easily.

Should you have any question, join the Pokémon Speedrunning Discord and discuss it in the channel for this generation.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 5 years ago
South Australia, Australia

Requesting Bibarel as an Alt Main Poke for Platinum.

Run here:

josejavier1158 и Hess нравится это
South Australia, Australia

Requesting Dragonite as an Alt Main Poke for HG/SS.

Run here:

Отредактировано пользователем автор 4 years ago
josejavier1158, scoagogo, и wartab нравится это
South Australia, Australia

Requesting Dunsparce as an Alt Main Poke for HG/SS.

Run here:

Отредактировано пользователем автор 4 years ago
josejavier1158 нравится это
South Australia, Australia

Requesting All Gold Prints for HG/SS.

Timing: Timing is by RTA, where timer starts upon the first fully white frame after Soft Reset or game boot up and ends when the textbox saying 'The Gold Print was added to the Vs. Recorder' is cleared after obtaining all 5 Gold Prints.

Rules: Glitches are not allowed.

Saving and quitting (S + Q) is allowed.

Runs must be done on English version.

Resetting at the credits after the Elite Four is allowed, so if any time is spent in the credits, this time is also included

Changing the real time clock once the run has started is allowed during the run, as long as you save and reset.

Having a save file present when you start the run is not allowed.

Run here:

Отредактировано пользователем автор 4 years ago
wartab нравится это
South Australia, Australia

Requesting Meganium as an Alt Main Poke for HG/SS

Run here:

Отредактировано пользователем автор 4 years ago
josejavier1158 нравится это
United States

I suggested a run in forum, sorry i didnt see this earlier

Barcelona, Catalonia

HurdleDash (PokeAthlon)


Requesting Add Japanese to Manipless(Any%)


TuckerLeRat нравится это

I want to try to start a speedrun about how to win the Whitney fight as quick as possible. Cause Whitney is best girl. Add my snap mapleowr6 if you wanna talk more about it ima watch the pokemon anime

Отредактировано пользователем автор 2 years ago

Requesting Add French for D/P ANY% - ALT LANGUAGE (Manipless/Manip)

Run here :

Rubentus и TuckerLeRat нравится это

Requesting Heracross as an Alt Main Pokemon for HG/SS

(Retimed 5:51:28 I missed 3sec from a missclic on ending the run)

Run here:

TuckerLeRat и Paraz10 нравится это

Requesting Arbok this Time as an Alt Main Pokemon for HG/SS

Capture it as possible in Route 32 before Bellsprout Tower > 5:39:09 (manipless so of course could be improve)

The Fact that this Run were at the very End of a 24h Marathon stream may impact some movements :)

Run here:

Отредактировано пользователем автор 1 year ago
Paraz10 нравится это

Requesting Noctowl as an alt main for HGSS


Alw0 и Paraz10 нравится это

Requesting Crobat as an Alt Main Pokemon for HG/SS :

Paraz10 нравится это
Picardie, France

Requesting Nidoking as an Alt Main Pokemon for HG/SS :

The king of the Gen 1 want his crown

Alw0, Matt59620, и Paraz10 нравится это
Haute-Normandie, France

Requesting : add German as an alt language for HG/SS Glitchless/Manipless.

Everyone must know about Aero-Ass.

Run here:

Отредактировано пользователем автор 9 months ago
Paraz10 нравится это
Picardie, France

Requesting two new alt main :

  • Muscle

  • Muscle + (coming soon but i am going to do that)
Haute-Normandie, France

Requesting : Add French as an alt language for HG/SS Glitchless/Manipless.

wDjjo и Paraz10 нравится это
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