load times
4 years ago

i don't have the best computer in the world and thus sometimes when i'm running the game, the game will stop responding for a few seconds while loading. i don't think it's fair that that should take away from my, or anyone else's runs. i think it would make a lot more sense if the leaderboards started ranking runs by time w/o loads as to keep an even playing ground for all players no matter how fast their PCs might be.

I have the same issue and I agree.

Fyn, Denmark

I agree that it isn't ideal, and I'm pretty sure I've brought this up with other runners before, but the issue is actually timing this correctly and fairly - and it will definitely conflict with current leaderboards.

Ideally it'd need to be implemented in the autosplitter, but its already janky as-is (the autosplitter mostly relies on registry reads IIRC) and there has been very little interest from anyone to maintain or improve the autosplitter.

Another issue is that the community is mostly dead (almost no speedrunning talk on the Discord for the last 2 years) so I doubt any current runner is effectively willing to take charge.

Should interest get revived (basically just be vocal on the Discord server I guess) I'm sure we can work something out.

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