For anyone who doesn't know, we have a discord server!!!
Maybe the tiny little discord button on this website didn't quite catch your attention, so I'm just making a post to put it out that a discord server DOES exist. The speedrunning community in PB2 is very niche so it would help out loads to engage in the community there.
Previously, the Auto-Splitter was only working on version 14 of Flash Player, which is different from the version sent within the game download under our resources.
To enable it:
Right click on the LiveSplit timer and go to "Edit splits...".
Make sure the game name is set to Plazma Burst 2.
Now a button titled "Activate" should appear, press that, and voilà, it's working!
Hi everyone!
The auto-splitter can now be downloaded and installed easily from the LiveSplit split interface!
Again, give me suggestions or update me on any bugs you come across in our Discord.
P.S. please note that timers start when the level stops loading, I keep seeing submissions where people start timers at the same time they select a difficulty.
- The default tickrate has been updated to "Mixed tickrate," which is now a subcategory instead of being a variable.
- The categories for 20 and 30 tickrate have been removed.
- We have now linked our Discord on the page!
- Updated the game rules to include a download link for the resources provided by bvthxry.
- Added a new category for completing all achievements as quickly as possible (Any% All Achievements).
- Released an auto splitter. Be cautious when using it as the game could still have some nuances I didn't account for! Download it here! Report any bugs you find to me on Discord: xCape#6714
Hi everyone!
I've noticed the latest two runs have had the people reset their settings instead of using the save files. You can head over to our guides section and find the new game save file located in our Guides section.
Hi everyone!
To make timing easier, the (level) runs more accurate and to make grinding levels faster. I changed the way timing works.
From now on, timing starts when the level stops loading and ends when the level end trigger is reached (when the screen starts fading). This also allows everyone in the Individual Level category to restart via the in-game menu instead of returning to the main menu.
I'll be updating the times on the leaderboard with this new system!
Have fun! I like to see more people run this game recently!
Thanks for reporting! I also put the game save files into #guides because pastebin deleted the save files!
For anyone who doesn't know, we have a discord server!!!
Maybe the tiny little discord button on this website didn't quite catch your attention, so I'm just making a post to put it out that a discord server DOES exist. The speedrunning community in PB2 is very niche so it would help out loads to e