Starting Frame is 18.31666 and Ending frame is 368.53333
Time cap on the last scoreboard, it's 2750 points. This is the normal difficulty maximum time bonus.
I carefully analyzed the previous world record video. I initially agreed that we can't kill Cassidy at a normal level of difficulty, but over time, I and my team members solved this problem by killing Cassidy 7.5 seconds later through a central enforce while trying to find a new strategy. This work, although obviously uncomfortable, allowed four players to play the game faster in the second half than three players. We made a mistake, but it looks like we can save more time.
With Overwatch 2 finally going live, this means that our Overwatch 1 leaderboards are all pretty much legacied. All new speedruns should now be submitted to the Overwatch 2 leaderboards, here: