Livesplit or Timer needed for a Run?+Categories I will try.
Silly question I know but since I have a run that is a obv. WR I dont think it needs the timer, just the timestamps 0;04-2;37;10 (I recorded with bandicam and I don't really want to do double labor by doing another vid putting the timer on the side since I will upload another run with a better time+commentary&timer not long after) This was a decent run with 2 deaths cause of bad rng and my own stupidity againts flametrower guard on Goldo's stronghold. Btw idk if i will be able to do it while recording but a sub 2;20 is possible (BP with no load screens: ) and I will try (4 the lolz) 0 minions deaths, Legendary, RH(dlc) any% and 100evil%+all items speedrun once I'm done with this (aka a 2:20-25 recorded).
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