IL's (Individual Levels)
Should we consider having Any% and 100% (where applied) leaderboards for Individual levels? As it is the In game leaderboard doesnt split Any% and 100% up and can be difficult to find your place. Or do you think it would clutter the page?
Quick note: Sam, hope u read this. U should remove 100% from monsaic lines, paramonia, scrabania, Freefirezone and Alfs escape, as any% and 100% are the same thing.
These times will be IGT as well i presume? i got times ready to go up for each level whenever i'm set up back at home.
Why is RTA mandatory? IGT is the same across all versions where PC will almost always have faster RTA times.
RTA will now be the main timing method for Individual levels due to inaccuracies with the IGT.
Последние запуски
Уровень: Free Fire Zone
Уровень: Scrabanian Nests
Уровень: Scrabanian Temple
Уровень: Scrabania
Уровень: Paramonian Nests