Submission rules going forward
4 years ago
United States

Hello everyone, Traditionally, speedrun submission videos are reliant on the game audio for authentication purposes. I've verified Expertsuperdog's new WR submission without that game audio, as I have no reason to believe the run isn't authentic. It's a great run. However, going forward all submissions will require video containing the game audio. I've listed this in the "Game Rules" section on the leaderboard.

I hope everyone understands! Thanks

Audie, Superking51 и 2 другие нравится это
United States

"If you beat your previous best you need to resubmit a new run for me to review. Also just an FYI, your previously submitted run (the current WR), didn't have any audio. I let that slide because, let's be honest this is such a small game, only three people have ran it, so whatever. But if you're going to submit another run the video needs to have game audio. It just helps with reviewing and authenticating the run. Thanks, and apologies for taking some time to respond." - Blizzfool in response to @Expertsuperdog's previous submission.

Wasn't this already mentioned. It's a shame to see preferential treatment in the community. I'm glad to see you're finally putting your foot down on these illegitimate runs though. Let's keep it clean and above board.

Chameleon_og и Superking51 нравится это
United States

Everyone's having fun. That's the true beauty of the off road challenge ;)

Superking51, schooliedee и 2 другие нравится это

Maybe the true Off Road Challenge was the friends we made along the way.

Audie, schooliedee, и Blizzfool нравится это
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