
The secret message in the game Octodad.

Octodad is a game about an octopus who is trying to blend into human society and have a family in the modern world. He hides in plain sight among a civilization oblivious to visually obvious things, like an octopus wearing a suit. Besides a handful of individuals, these people can not see the truth when it is right in front of them. What made them this way? Why do they have such lethargic movement and empty eyes? This is the darkness hiding in the game. People in modern civilization are slowly losing sapience, becoming like clockwork. This is evidenced by weak, but extremely effective advertisements and fully automated grocery stores full of customers that seem half asleep or deep in thought. The octopus uses this to his advantage to immigrate to the surface world, though in all honesty, his use of the human condition may just be coincidental. There are at least two individuals in the society who are less affected by the phenomena: The octopus's daughter and his nemesis, the chef. The mother seems to have a history of resistance, but as she aged became more numb. Why the chef, who is atleast middle-aged, is still not as numb as most people and he has a sort of paranoia affecting him. The daughter has her mother's resistance, but it may fade with age as her mother did. Both individuals can see through the octopus's disguise, which is evidence that they are resistant to the "dulling" that claimed most others in their society. The game may well be a disguised warning of 1st world society's blindness to severe world crises and issues that occur in plain sight. For whatever reason, we look past death and suffering with a mass dissonance. Perhaps some force exists to keep us complacent with the forced order of our society, and the dehumanization of billions who cry out for help. Perhaps Octodad is a statement against this numbing field we in the 1st world are affected by, and a dissenting voice against those who power it.

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Broad Platform
Второе место
Real Time Attack
22m 16s
9 months ago
EUR / PALXboxOne
4 months ago
9 months ago
Статистика игры
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New Category!

Hey. It’s been a hot minute here, but we’re not giving up on this speed-game. It’s time to announce a new category which has been in talks for a while. Casual% will be a category where you play the game completely as a casual would. No skips, no glitches, nothing. Only the bare bones gameplay

19 days ago
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