Any% Glitched guide
Any% Glitched guide
Обновлено 6 years ago от Windalgo


There are no large glitches or skips in this stage, so you're simply trying to move from left to right as fast as possible. Platform and fireball cycles are both on a global timer, so their position will depend on the total time it takes to get to them. You have roughly 30 seconds to make it to the first set of moving platforms before you miss the first cycle, which costs somewhere around 6 seconds. When jumping onto vertical moving platforms, hold jump until you are fully on the platform or else you will go into a falling state on top of the platform and be unable to quickly jump off. The second set of moving platforms are often going to be in unpredictable positions, as they're on a global timer and at the end of the stage. If the first platform is low when you get to it, you should be able to jump across the platforms (back boosting off a single fireball) as in the video. However, if the first platform is too high you will have to jump into the fire and turn back just as you hit in order to back boost through the fire pit.

[big][big]----------------------------------------------------[/big][/big] [big][big]Dark Forest[/big][/big] Unlike moving platforms and fireballs, the spitter enemies don't start their cycles until you get within a certain range of them. In order to stop the second spitter from loading in too early, you want to make sure all the jumps on the first screen of this stage are as low as possible.

How dialog clips work: You pause the game then trigger a dialog box (usually by hitting up on top of a statue or tablet). Once the dialog box is on the screen, you unpause the game. From this point on, your position will constantly drop at the speed Haggis would fall if there were no collision. When you close the dialog box, Haggis' position will update to the new position-- the longer the dialog box was up the further down it will be. You can also maintain forward momentum if you trigger this glitch while dashing, though that isn't used in any%.

Directions for this clip: -On top of the statue, pause the game and hit UP in order to trigger the dialog. -Hold JUMP in order to fast scroll the first box of text. -At the end of the first box, you want to very quickly hit JUMP [to unselect the armor menu], DOWN [to scroll down to "return to game"], JUMP [to unpause], then press and HOLD JUMP [to fast scroll the second block of dialog]. -As soon as the second box finishes, hit JUMP one last time to close the dialog box and update Haggis' position, which should be right in front of the secret exit.

[big][big]----------------------------------------------------[/big][/big] [big][big]Dark Forest (boss)[/big][/big] Certain cutscenes in the game will freeze sub-weapons midair, which can still damage anything that contacts them during the cutscene. For this fight we want to place an axe on top of the skeleton dog's head in order to kill the first phase of the boss before the fight starts.

How its done: -Align yourself with the edge of the second tower in the boss room. -Stand still and throw an axe. -As soon as the axe comes out, jump forward into the cutscene trigger. -Wait for the axe to damage the boss 10 times before hitting START to skip the remainder of the dialog.

[big][big]----------------------------------------------------[/big][/big] [big][big]Aqueducts[/big][/big] Since the dialog at the start of the stage triggers automatically, this clip is a bit trickier. Note: You only get the aqueducts dialog box once per save file, if you mess up this clip you can't reattempt it.

Directions for this clip: -Run forward until you're just about to pass the first background pillar -Hit START -If you see your camera move forward, leave the game paused and wait for the dialog box to pop up (otherwise unpause, run back to the left, and try again). -Once the dialog box appears press and hold JUMP [to unpause the game and begin quick scrolling the text] -As soon as the first box of text is finished, press and hold JUMP [to continue fast scrolling the second dialog box] -At the end of the second dialog box press START to close the dialog and update Haggis' position. -Hold LEFT [to push yourself out of the wall you're stuck in] until you see the camera either jerk and lock in place, or update to your position. -Navigate your way to the load zone.

Depending on how far down you fall, you may have to navigate this section blind as in the gif. At the end of the autoscroller section is the next skip which uses a camera glitch.

How camera glitches work: If you go through a load-zone, turn around, and exit back through the load-zone fast enough your camera will get stuck in the y-position of the second zone, but Haggis will be sent back to the first. This is useful because the boundaries on either side of the screen are tied to the camera, so with the camera in a different location than Haggis there's nothing on the end of the screen stopping us from jumping out of bounds.

Directions for this trick: -Jump into the load-zone -Turn to the left before you hit the ground -Hold DASH during the screen transition. -If done right, you will dash back through the load-zone during the screen transition, leaving the camera glitched and Haggis back at the end of the autoscroller. -Tap RIGHT [to make Haggis turn and face right]. -DASH and JUMP (holding both for their full duration) without any directional input. -Wait until you see Haggis fall from the top of the screen -Hold RIGHT to navigate into the boss room load-zone.

[big][big]----------------------------------------------------[/big][/big] [big][big]Glenfinnan[/big][/big]

If you die while exiting the stage, you will get a gameover screen which respawns you in Underground Temple.

[big][big]----------------------------------------------------[/big][/big] [big][big]Underground Temple[/big][/big]

Directions for this clip: -Position yourself against the wall next to the tablet. -Press START [to pause the game], UP [to trigger the dialog], DOWN [to select 'return to the game'], JUMP [to unpause], delay for a few frames, START [to exit the dialog]. -Hold LEFT to clip into the wall. -Navigate to the left side of the screen by walking and dashing to the right.

If you're not clipping far enough into the ground, you need to delay longer before hitting START to close the dialog box.

[big][big]----------------------------------------------------[/big][/big] [big][big]Devil's Peak[/big][/big]

Movement can be tricky due to ice physics. Activate the checkpoint at the start of the stage for the death warp after collecting the Harpy Boots. At the end of the stage you need to use the shop keeper to buy 10 TORCHES. You can also fill your SPEARS and AXES to make sure you leave the stage with at least 5 of each.

[big][big]----------------------------------------------------[/big][/big] [big][big]Red Gem[/big][/big]

How this glitch works: You're able to repeat boss fights and collect multiple shards from the same boss as long as you're able to clip into the boss room without using the load-zone. Luckily, Dark Forest's secret entrance is located very close to the boss room, and has a statue to allow us to clip out of bounds right away.

Directions for this clip: The initial clip is performed the same as the first Dark Forest clip, however you delay a bit before unpausing on the second dialog box. -Dash jump off the left side of the screen -Wait to get stuck on the border of the screen -Do a second dash jump -Glide to the left until you're in the boss room. Alternatively you can slow glide to the left without the second dash jump.

After you collect the shard, Save and Quit to World Map. If done fast enough your position on the world map won't move and you'll be able to reenter Dark Forest again instantly.

Do this 4 times to collect all 8 shards.

[big][big]----------------------------------------------------[/big][/big] [big][big]Gael's Castle[/big][/big]

The final clip in the route involves navigating out-of-bounds platforms completely blind. Here is a video showing the inputs for this clip: Here is a crude map of what is going on [link]

Directions for this clip: -Jump into the load-zone and turn LEFT before you hit the ground. -Hold DASH during the screen transition in order to trigger the camera glitch. -Turn to the RIGHT and DOUBLE JUMP over the loading zone. -After 2 full jumps, allow Haggis to fall straight down. -As Haggis falls past your camera, be sure he is a little bit to the right of the 2nd pillar in the background. -Let go of all inputs and allow Haggis to fall until you hear the SOUND QUEUE of Haggis hitting the ground. -DASH JUMP, followed with a FULL DOUBLE JUMP, then hold GLIDE in order to cover the max possible distance. -HOLD JUMP and DASH to continue gliding until you hear Haggis hit the ground again. -Walk to the RIGHT -JUMP and press UP [you should hear the SOUND QUEUE of haggis climbing a ledge] -DASH JUMP, DOUBLE JUMP, and GLIDE to the right until you hear a SPLASH -Let go of all inputs Alternatively you can slow glide to the right directly after you see Haggis fall past the pillars and skip the first off-screen dash jump. This is much safer but takes 4 to 6 seconds over the harder method.

Your camera should update, and you should be in the underwater section of the stage.

[big]Albey[/big] When you get to Albey you have 2 options. -Go straight into the fight and use fire shield to kill the first phase. -Hit the checkpoint before going into the fight to die and reset your health. Resetting your health is worth it if you come out of the water with 2 or less hearts.

[big]Amargein[/big] After the quick-kill on Amargein, it's common that you'll be unable to move. All you have to do to correct this is pause and unpause the game. However, if you're unable to pause, you need to either throw a sub weapon (if you have enough money to refill it), or cycle your sub weapons while pressing START until the pause menu finally pops up.

[big]Priscus[/big] Before heading to the final boss, you need to use the shopkeeper to refill all 3 sub-weapons. You also need to refill your health. -If you reset your health before the Albey fight, you should have enough money to refill with soup from the shop. -If you did not reset or do not have enough money, you need to activate the checkpoint before the fight and die to reset.

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