Slight questions on new All jumpscares 2.0 rules
8 months ago

There has been some stuff that stands on the rules that has me a bit confused, so Id like to ask about them before starting a run.

  1. MickMick (Attic and Office, only for 1.0 runs) - Does this mean that 1.0 Mickmick isnt needed or is this refering to something else?

  2. 3AM MickMick - I am guessing that Night 6 Mickmcik also counts towards this but I still wanna ask about it, just in case.

These are the ones that have me a bit confused.

ps. Is there any consitant way of getting Mickmick into the Attic? Probbably not but I thougt that I might as well ask anyways.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 8 months ago
British Columbia, Canada

2.0 Removed The Original Form Of MickMick, Making It So The Taller Form Is In All Of Night 6. So The Original MickMick Is Only Needed For 1.0 Run

Daviromulus123 нравится это

okay, so ima guess that night 5 just isnt relevant anymore for the run.

United States
She/Her, They/Them
8 months ago

1.0 did not remove the original form of mickmick, still exists at 12-3am

Daviromulus123 нравится это
British Columbia, Canada

And Night 5 Was Never Relevant For All Jumpscares Runs Since Custom Night Exists


thats what I was talking about with aperantly night 5 then not beeing relevant anymore, seeing that the way ourpleguy phrased it, it seems like he just ausmes that night 5 (where phase 1 is) doesnt get used.


but you cant get mickmick in custom night, so it is relevant, I think.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 8 months ago
United States
She/Her, They/Them
8 months ago

I think this Ourple guy has never played the game

British Columbia, Canada

Sorry, I Wrote That At 7AM After I Woke Up In The Middle Of The Night Three Times In A Row

Daviromulus123 нравится это

Its completly fine lol. The only thing is that I am still not whiser on if night 5 is important for this run or not.

British Columbia, Canada

It Is Since You Need Night 5 To Die To MickMick And Inkblot Face


so phase 1 Mickmick counts towards the run now? With that knowlage I could finally get to work.

British Columbia, Canada

Phase 1 MickMick Only Counts In 1.0 Runs, Since 2.0 Made It So He Just Starts In The Second Phase For The Entire Night

United States
She/Her, They/Them
8 months ago

Phase 1 Mickmick is still active at 12-3am in 2.0, you still need to get phase 1 Mickmick jumpscares in 2.0

United States
She/Her, They/Them
8 months ago

I updated the rules for All Jumpscares since Ourple keeps just spewing misinformation

United States
She/Her, They/Them
8 months ago

Also shouldn't all jumpscares include mortimer and the forgotten one?


no because RNG jumpscares just suck to get.


Btw, what do the rules mean with Hourglass Intersection and Halway for 2.0?

Отредактировано пользователем автор 8 months ago
United States
She/Her, They/Them
8 months ago

Hourglass has two jumpscares, one if he catches you while you are in an intersection and one if he catches you while in a hallway


cool. I didnt know that. Thanks.

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