Remove event heists from the main leaderboards or a seperate no RNG category for all heists
I am so mad about trick or treat, black friday, gift factory and many other RNG heavy heists in the full game speedrun that I can't take it anymore. This may not be the best course of action but there has to be some other alternative.
README: 3.9.6b and the Millisecond Timer
As of version 3.9.6b, Notoriety devs have added a function within the settings menu to turn off Safe Escape (removing the 3s timer) and enable the Speedrun Timer (which includes milliseconds). This is objectively the best way to measure runs, now, and importantly, isn't affected by Timer Glitch.
Последние запуски
Уровень: Nightclub
Уровень: Nightclub
Уровень: Jewelry Shop
Уровень: Nightclub
Уровень: Diamond Store