The First Mod Hub Update: Runs Awaiting Verification

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Introducing the new Mod Hub with the first tool: a new Runs Awaiting Verification page. Let's also discuss a bug fix and some planned features for the Mod Hub.

The First Mod Hub Update: Runs Awaiting Verification
Опубликовано 2 years ago

Hey everyone!

I’m back for another update, and we’ve got some exciting stuff to go over today! You may have already noticed some of the new changes to the site, so let’s dig into some of them, shall we?

New Mod Hub - Runs Awaiting Verification

We’re finally releasing the Mod Hub! With the first entry in a series of Mod Hub updates, we’ve released our first new mod tool — the new Runs Awaiting Verification (RaV) page! For quite some time now, there has been a 50 run cap within every moderator's RaV page. This cap is now removed, with additional runs being paginated for a more organized experience for those of you who moderate large boards.

Speaking of organized, you can now select individual game queues to view only the runs from the games you want to see! No longer will the RaV have buried runs you can’t access. Stay efficient and stay organized, fellow moderators!

Also as a note, the new RaV page is under the link but if for whatever reason you would like to stick to the legacy RaV page, you can do so here: If you run into any issues with the new RaV Page/Mod Hub, please let us know over at

Coming Soon™️

Coming very soon, we have a new game page update! This game page update includes multiple quality-of-life changes to help organize game pages more neatly, as well as bring a fresh new look to it.

On top of aesthetic changes to the game pages, the much-requested game page news will be coming as well! Moderators, you will now have the ability to update your community directly through the Game Page News feature.

The days of community updates through stickied forum threads are now over! Speedrunners, fear no more. Follow and optionally receive notifications about the latest news from your favorite leaderboards!

Once again, I want to thank you for helping us improve the site with your bug reports and feedback. You're helping us improve the site by both directing us to bugs in need of squashing AND by letting us know which features and tools you'd like to have!

Moving Forward

We are actively working on adding improved variable management, better Individual Level support for the site, mass run management, and more as part of future updates. Have another idea you want to see on the site that’s not mentioned here? Head on over to and let us know what you’d like to see!

Bug Fixes & Feedback

This past weekend, we got reports of users who were running into issues logging into the site due to a weird bug with the session ID cookie, but it was thankfully fixed this morning so we don’t have to worry about that anymore. This quick-fix was largely in thanks to you, the community, for being vocal about it - and I want to thank you for that!

Your bug reports and feedback are incredibly appreciated by the entire team, so please keep up with that. You can submit bug reports here or give us your feedback here As usual, I’m staying active in the forums and on Discord. Also, if you’d like to contact me directly on any of my social media, I have most things connected over on my user profile. I’ll see y’all around!

Meta // Cam

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