Splitting Hardware from Emulator
4 years ago

Since it came to my attention by a comment on my current run in No-DQ, Emulator behaves a lot different than actual Hardware for this game. This is something that honestly I should have seen coming but I was a bit ignorant about it and I wanted to split the game's category because of that, especially since recently this game has seen more activity and while I am happy with my #1 Position on the board, it is unfair for other players who legit got first place on actual hardware.

Maryland, USA

I always think emu and real hardware should be split

TheSilverMane нравится это

Problem is that I don't have the necessary permissions to change it, otherwise I would. And if I do have them I have no clue how to apply them, lol


Good to see more runners for this game. But it is a bit demotivating to see someone on emu on the same leaderboard getting a much much better time with way worse execution than someone on actual hardware.

CD_84 нравится это
New South Wales, Australia

I agree that much of a difference in times, proves amd obvious EMU advantage definitely time to separate them.

New South Wales, Australia

Sorry I should clarify I have no issues with EMU runs at all. But i do think they should be separate if there are such big differences to console runs. I mod snowboard kids on speedrun.com we have both combined at the moment as we haven't seen much difference in times in fact all of the current WRs are console...... just my 2 cents worth. But i think to help with attracting more runners it should be made even, if that means splitting the board in to EMU and Console ( original hardware).....

Chottue и Alicetwopointoh нравится это
United States
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

I JUST got back onto this site after months and decide this might be my next game to run, I think if the mod can see that enough of us want a change in categories it will happen. It is actually something that is on a clock cuz you wouldn't want this kind of change way later when you have 15-20 people freaking out about someone losing the grandmaster position. I do notice as of like 20 seconds after posting this is noted in rules but it will alot less of an eyesore for many im sure once its tabled

Отредактировано пользователем автор 4 years ago
CD_84 нравится это
Ontario, Canada

Definitely separate them if possible.

People also need to understand what real time is versus in game time.

New South Wales, Australia

Agreed to splitting EMU and Console. I also think that the Individual events that use IGT need to be made in to IL's. Currently from what i can see they are just extensions of the full game runs so It gives you an option of RT and IGT. If there were IL's and Full game runs separate, you could have only IGT or RT for the respective Categorizes. As a new runner coming in it was a little confusing and it throws the ranking out, my times are listed as first but should be third. From what I understand the current active Mod is a little limited to what they can change it needs the super mod, does anyone know who that is?

I Run Snowboard Kids as my main game if you go to my profile on speed run you will see runs are split in to Level runs and Full game runs it is much easier to manage that way.

I hope that makes some s

New South Wales, Australia

lol sorry * Some Sense*

Maryland, USA

I checked out emu last night and it's wildly different from console. The game straight up runs faster while the clock moves at the same speed. The event where you can really see this the most is bobsled. Just look at how crazy fast the sled is moving down the track ><

console and emu should 100% be split. With how different emu can behave depending on graphics plugins it really should almost be not allowed in general but split is a fine compromise

New South Wales, Australia

I agree with that., happy to have both but they need to be separate.... if you're looking to run this game and look at the WR's for Bobsled you wouldn't even bother when you realise you can't get anywhere near the time.

Ontario, Canada

I brought this up elsewhere months back and this is what was said:


So yeah, it's definitely possible already, the mods just need to figure it out.

New South Wales, Australia

I did ask to be added as a Mod to give it a go but was denied.

New South Wales, Australia

This has been done and Levels are now Thier own Catagory which are split in to Console and Emu

New South Wales, Australia

Haven't had chance to look at the full game runs

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