Unofficial WR Coop PS2
8 years ago

So today we got a new WR, mainly improved death abuse strats in BORK, but we weren't recording so won't make it official. I stuffed up a menu and pushing the boulder on BORK, so we should be able to save 10s easily.

Also securing the ammo dump in MRG was a bit slow - has anyone figured out what actually triggers it as completed? Blowing up tank? Blowing up boxes? Killing x enemies?

Splits are linked here fwiw:

BOZAK_115 нравится это
New York City, NY, USA

Nice job. Can't wait to see the new run when you record it.

I tested the ammo dump section before and found that the tank doesn't have to be destroyed. It seems to be strictly related to number of enemies killed. 7 or 8 soldiers spawn as soon as the ammo dump is destroyed, and there's also a bunch that are already there waiting for you.

Typically, they should all run towards you and you can use the turret to quickly eliminate them. However, sometimes the AI is bugged and they stay in the back or in the buildings where you can't see them. The way I do it is if I still haven't got em all by the time the tank gets close, I run forward and look for the last remaining guys and kill them with the pistol. Hope that helps.

BOZAK_115 нравится это

Thanks for that advice. We might have another attempt tomorrow (capture card doesnt work - may resort to a camera in front of the tv lol).

BOZAK_115 нравится это
New York City, NY, USA

I don't know if you know this, but strafing is much faster than walking straight ahead. The difference between my any% PBs was literally minutes just by altering this movement alone. Optimal movement is holding directly up+left or up+right.

BOZAK_115 нравится это

Thanks, we just tried another run and shaved about 1.5 minutes off the above record. Unfortunately we had no means of capturing it so it will remain unofficial. For some reason capture cards and I don't mix. :P

Splits here:

Quite pleased with them, especially as the PS2 loading times are insane.

Might be worth making a few guides to store these strategies in a sensible place.

BOZAK_115 нравится это
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