Category Extensions (Individual Levels)
2 years ago
Utah, USA

Hello! I was wondering if anybody could possibly add Category Extensions so people could speedrun individual levels (IL). I love IL speedruns and I know many (myself included) would speedrun individual levels, either because they just like a certain level a lot or they only have the time for a single level. You do not have to add these as I'd imagine it'd take a lot of work (I'm not sure how it works on the technical side of things) but I'd heavily appreciate it if you do and I'd be glad to start running ILs.

Vegge, irfan7698, и Erschling нравится это

Yeah dude I think having ILs would be sick

Vegge нравится это
United States

I'm pretty much the only active mod here, but I'm not a super mod, so I'm not sure I can create new categories. I plan on trying to figure this out so I can do things like this.

I think I found the way to make IL's. What game(s) would you like? I'm not going to blindly add all of them unless there is interest. Thanks!

Отредактировано пользователем автор 8 months ago
Vegge нравится это
Utah, USA

Well, I'm not super active here anymore either and while my interest has diminished significantly, I think it would be cool for ILs for each Robot Master. Granted, that's a hefty task, but no other Mega Man leaderboard on this website is doing it (for some reason) and it might be cool. More specifically, the Mega Man 2 Wily Stages and all the Mega Man Robot Master (first game) stages would be pretty cool.

United States

Yeah I hear ya. I don't think it will be an issue with creating IL's, but I just messed the board up trying to add categories, so now I am really apprehensive about doing it until I figure things out. I want to provide all the options I can here and will work on it when I can.

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