Crossbow : Do we have some bump glitch?
2 years ago

Hey everyone, i am currently trying to abuse the bump the crossbow give us when we shoot it at our foot. I am pretty sure we can find some huge abuse but I need one info : I'm playing with the 8+ ammo without reloading (i don't know the name in english, sorry) and i can only "rocket jump" myself once, other shots don't bump. Is it the same for anyone ?


I've tried testing it in several areas today, couldn't seem to actually make any skips with it. They seem to have their invisible walls go all the way to the sky, and I haven't found anywhere to OoB yet

And those are called ghost rounds, honestly probably the best sigil in the game considering how strong the crossbow is. With quick swapping you can easily get quick times without worrying about reloads

I have been running with that perk yup, just some bindings to get Crossbow / Ghost rounds and you spam Crossbow / Paz / Crossbow to annihilate everything.

I have tried yesterday for nearly two hours on the 3 first levels and I didn't get anything. I found something on Stygia to get really high, but there are, as you said, many many invisibles walls that prevent those oobs

United States

i have noticed you can give yourself a decent boost off of verticle surfaces if your in the air and jump dash away from the explosion as it happens. kind of like the crossbow jump height boost but horizontally instead of vertically. havnt found any time savers with this yet but just some info that might help find some.

Ohio, USA

yeah i noticed this happened this weekend and was gonna mess around and try and find better setups on stygia and acheron maybe get stuck without the mobs. No luck so far.

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