MFO - Pet Update 3/10 | Pet Contest
5 years ago
New Jersey, USA

PETS have now been released, and there is a special contest going on. Check the contest rules down below for more.

Update March 10

  • PETS! Pets are now here! Be one of the first 10 to collect them all to get a statue of your character built in the upcoming Mega Town Update!

  • MLP! Mega Loyalty Points! Earn these for playing, and buy pets with them!

                           PET CONTEST RULES
  • You must be in the Top 10, and have all the pets in the game.

  • There are a total of 26 pets.

  • MLP Points can only be earned from playing the game for 5 minutes or through robux

Whoever become the first 10 players will get an in-game statue built from the new game called Mega Town by the same developer. There will be a leaderboard list here to keep track of all the players who have gotten all 26 pets. I am one of the top 10 players to get all the pets in the game. Maybe you could be the lucky one to join with me? Good luck to the rest of the players:

                           PET RANKING LIST:
  1. Itz_LiliaUnicorn
  2. dumbdumbjr
  3. GaleS_YT
  4. MarbleFoox
  5. xXximbadxXx
  6. DaySeeMehRollinDunDu
  7. Jaiizen
  8. YOSHI6004009
  9. MrDaBigBoss
  10. Mario48296

Congratulations to the 10 winners of the pet contest. For those who have made it will receive their in-game built statue.

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