procrafter5000 was a cheater.
4 years ago
Georgia, USA

I'm honestly very shocked right now. Me and a lot of others thought procrafter5000 was a god, the Dream of MCPE Lite. I guess one of us should have looked a bit closer.

Basically, procrafter had a video of a loading screen, cut it right before the world was visible, then added his faked gameplay.

procrafter500 probably retired because he figured that if he kept faking runs, somebody would find out. He almost got away with it, too. I honestly don't know why I went frame-by-frame to see if his border% run was faked, but I did, and now I realized every single run he submitted was fake.

For border% he just walked really close to a border then started recording. For death% he walked close to a ledge, etc.

All of his runs will be rejected soon.

CZX, Act_ и 3 другие нравится это
He/Him, She/Her
4 years ago

seems like standard punishment for cheating 👍

Act_ и VanceSR нравится это
Georgia, USA

procrafter5000 has now been perm banned from the site.

CZX, Act_ и 2 другие нравится это
He/Him, She/Her
4 years ago

even better

Act_, VanceSR, и Walgrey нравится это

I said that but no one believed me. Back then, procrafter was really beting many records, and after accusing him of cheating I was under a lot of pressure. So I deleted forum thread with a lot of proofs that he is a cheater. Its good that there are new mods who try to reach fair play level.

Act_ и VanceSR нравится это
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