Sub 10?
if bedrock had as many runners as java, top 10 would be sub10. but rn, i doubt sub10 will happen for a while
Unban_norris нравится это
i have a weird feeling that some random guy whom we never heard of (haha february java reference) is gonna get sub 10 in like 2 months
Jux_LuxYT нравится это
Thank you for this very nescassary response to a 2 month old thread. I'm going to scream into my pillow now.
New proof rules for top level runs
Hello Runners.
We have a new rule for all platforms, for random seed runs.
After completing a Top Run (Top 5 Main Category/1st ILs), you must exit the world and go to the main menu.
For top Windows runners, you still have to do PowerShell verification.
For Ps4/Ps5, this rule
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