Board revisions? New update in Japan fixes pause exploit
3 years ago

A new update to the JP release has fixed the pause exploit. As playing the latest patch will no longer allow you to use this trick, it's probably time to make some changes to the boards. The question is: how would you all want this to be handled going forward?

For full game categories, we can:

  • Keep the current state of the boards, but include new variable(s) for Pause Exploit Used/No Pause Exploit Used, Version #, and Physical/Digital copies.
  • Split all categories into Pause Exploit/No Pause Exploit

For IL boards, there's already a variable for whether Pause Exploit is used, so do we want to keep things the way they are, or split the boards?

Any other suggestions welcome.

Washington, USA

I assume there's no means of rolling back to an older version, so new runners just won't have access to the pre-patch version? If that's the case, eventually it would make sense to by default filter out all pause exploit runs, not for a few months or whatever but presumably eventually everyone will have naturally shifted to the patch.

It's been a bit since I've managed a board, but adding variables and not totally splitting the board seems best for that? Otherwise, we'd have half of all the boards sitting around without any new runners.

Physical copies of the game exist, so getting access to the pause exploit is a non-issue.


In my opinion, I would like to see a separate board for records that use tricks and a board for records that do not use tricks. I've only recently started using this site, so I don't know the detailed settings yet, but if possible, I'd like to see the full game rules and each stage's record board separated as described above.

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