Questions Relating To Game
7 years ago

hey small ninjago community! I recently purchased this game off the PSN Store for ps4 (obviously) and to have it downloaded. the reason why I didn't download it before and now is well because the game before was about 90 bucks for me and well the sale has come and it dropped to 40. now I watched the recent WR for this game and I saw all the cool new finds and skips for this game so I jumped on my game and I am struggling with the first skip as cole. the skip that launches you up from the rocks in the middle of the cracks. now was just wondering its a proxy jump id imagine is this only pc only these types of skips or? also the game for me is version 1.0.2 so I'm not sure did they like patch it or something I know no one can test this if you don't have the game for yourself but would be great if I could get some help, what version do you guys have on PC? THANKS! will post below if the other skips are not possible or I could just be bad!

WiiSuper нравится это

I don't have the game at the moment, so I can't help you with checking if the glitch still works, however it is possible that the glitch is frame rate dependent, and that the locked fps on consoles prevents the jump from working. It may be a case of separating PC from console runs if it's a problem.

WiiSuper нравится это

hey thanks for the reply! so iv been going at it a few more times and have not got a single "massive" jump like I'm sure I'm hitting the right angle and hitting all the spots just not getting launched, am I suppose to jump while being in the rock or something been trying that a few times and got nothing ;/

would like one of the runners to help or maybe make guilds and tutorials for each skip, I think maybe they patched it in the updates, cause ps4 got version 1.0.2, and I think PC don't get updates? the patch was like 11Gig so something went down .-.

WiiSuper нравится это

All the massive launch tricks are fps dependant, meaning that you need the PC version (and preferably no vertical sync) to succeed in them, unfortunately. (I think that is the case with all the newer Lego games) The PC version got an update too but it didn't change much at all in terms of speedruns. I think all the other tricks should work on non-PC versions but don't count me on that.

WiiSuper нравится это

hey thanks for replying, yeah sure that makes sense, I guess there impossible on console, just a heads up, I did managed to get launched up pretty high (not high enough) but I did it from a different spot a little further up and to the right on a rock, but I somehow managed to get stuck in the rock as well than when I jumped I got launched? ill continue with this and see what other skips are possible thanks!

WiiSuper нравится это

just wanna also ask as well are you manually jumping as well while in the rocks when you slam? OR it does do it for you, also how do you double jump really fast and not gain to much high to slam in the right spot? cheers

WiiSuper нравится это

Yes, manually pressing the buttons and stuff. I just press the jump button and attack button really fast I guess.

WiiSuper нравится это

oh noooo, every time I try and do the chapter 3 skip, it is possible to skip that fight by jumping to left and parkour your way forward, but when i try and cross the bridge thing where the mechs are on the bridge it always triggers the cut scene :/ damn its patched ill try and find a way around it literally well see

the trigger for the cut scene is now the whole area of the bridge no way to avoid ;-; i think

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