<<OUTDATED>> Langrisser 1 Route H Guide
<<OUTDATED>> Langrisser 1 Route H Guide
Обновлено 4 years ago от LadyErianna

7/30/24 Edited Note: These notes are now very much outdated but I am keeping them here for reference sake rather than deleting them.

There are a couple of things worth noting before starting a run:

  1. Currently, answering the quiz with options 3-1-1-1-1-2 will give Ledin two skills that give him +10 Atk, as well as another Boots of Speed.
  2. Selecting easy start will give you a Halberd, Brigandine, and Boots of Speed, so starting you should have 2 Boots of Speed.
  3. NONE of the treasures are worth obtaining in this run.
  4. Essentially you will be funneling XP into Ledin, Narm, and Taylor. Take out the enemy leaders ASAP, only go after smaller troops if they are in your way or if you need some XP.
  5. Do not waste a turn for the three characters you are funneling into. If you cannot do anything, use one of your buff or healing spells.
  6. Using the original artstyle is slightly faster than the remake. This is because the Remade artstyle has a few extra cutscenes in them. This is very minor and the time save you get from it could easily be taken away by having an extra round in combat.
  7. Once you have moved all of your commanders, unless you have a surefire way to deal damage to the enemy commander, just End the Phase. The CPU will move your troops into your commander's area, and they will attack any enemy troop. Don't try to manually move a troop unless you plan on attacking with it.
  8. Keep a close eye on your levels. If your commander is low on HP but close to leveling, having your troops kill off weaker mobs can be enough to level your commander up. Leveling up gives a full HP/MP restore.

Scenario 1: Castle Escape Before starting, give Ledin the Halberd, Brigandine, and Boots of Wind.

You cannot switch your party members here. You can either buy Ledin a single Soldier or go solo here. Currently there are a couple of strats that you can take here once the fight starts.

A. You can have Ledin cast Sharpen 1 on him and the soldier to get an easy level, as well as make fighting the group in front of you easier. Using this strategy, you should aim for Level 4 before leaving exiting the scenario (spam Sharpen 1 if need be). This method is slightly slower for Scenario 1, but can pay off in the next chapter.

B. Make your way to the wall immediately. Use Sharpen 1 once to get a free level. This method is faster for the chapter, but might make the next fight slower.

Scenario 2: To Salrath If you chose to get Ledin to Level 4, you should have enough CP to put him to Silver Knight. If this is the case, buy Ledin a few Troopers. You can buy Volkov a few horsemen as well and essentially set up a defensive wall to prevent Chris from moving too far ahead. Have Ledin take out the group behind him with his horsemen (he may not need to intervene) and then have Ledin lead the charge, clearing out the troops on his way.

If you did not get enough experience to get Ledin to Level 4, you can still do this easy enough. Load Ledin up with soldiers. You cannot swap character spots, but you can have Ledin move forward and Volkov move back to take care of the group behind them. Just clear your way up.

Eventually, Hawkings and Thorn will show up. ost likely, they will finish off any enemy troops, but make your way up anyway to see if you can grab some XP for Ledin.

Scneario 3: Incursion Change Ledin to Silver Knight (this is a must here). Give Volkov the Lochaber Axe which should help take out the enemies he needs to. Load Ledin with horsemen.

Set Ledin up and take out the nearby troop. Volkov should go south and wipe out any of the troops that show up (there is one that might take 2 rounds to kill, but the Lochaber Axe might help take him out in one shot with a good enough damage roll).

Once Ledin has the first group killed, go left and hang out, using Sharpen 1 while you wait. Eventually, another troop will show up that Ledin can easily dispatch of. At that point, Thorn and some villagers may die. This is fine. Have Ledin finish off the last group.

Scenario 4: Forest of Spirits Give Narm the Halberd, Brigandine, and second Boots of Speed. Give Ledin the Lochaber Axe and the Large Shield.

Position Narm as far south as possible and Ledin right next to her. Load up Ledin with Troopers and Narm with Harpies.

I like to have Ledin use Accelerate on Narm's group on the first turn. She can go southeast to handle those slimes quickly. At the same time, the other slimes should come and attack Ledin. It should be simple enough for him to take them out. Once Narm's team has taken out the slimes, fly west and try to take out the group of slimes that are moving east.

At this point, it is just cleanup. Thorn will use Fireball and kill one slime leader in one shot.

Scenario 5: Imperial Impasse Load Narm up with Harpies and set her in the Center spot. Ledin can be in the 2nd spot from the left. To start, have Ledin go east to the mountains and Narm fly up in front of him. Next turn, Accelerate on Narm's group.

The mission here is to defeat Lance. Each turn you will be using Sharpen 1 on Ledin and controlling Narm. Volkov, Chris, and Thorn will not see any action here. Lance's commanders will move west and south, but shouldn't be a problem.

Once Narm gets close to the treasure in the middle, Lance should be making his move towards her (probably Turn 3). Once he does, have Narm move just outside of Lance's movement range (should be just a square or two, you can go to the square Lance is on and press Y to display his movement range).

Once Lance is close by, have Narm use Sharpen 1 and have her Harpies start to attack Lance and his horsemen. Once Lance is open, send in the Harpies first, then the turn after, Narm should be able to finish him off in the following round. Defeating Lance ends the scenario.

Scenario 6: Homeward Bound Leave everyone where they are. Give Ledin some Troopers and Narm some Harpies. First turn, have Thorn use Sharpen 1 on Narm, then have her flight right into combat. Chris can cast Aegis 1 on Ledin before he goes into battle. The following turns, Chris and Thorn can follow up.

The battle is simple enough and shouldn't pose any danger. Make your way to the center, have Chris heal when she needs to and have Thorn use Sharpen when needed. Just make sure that Xeld is not on the throne, as this gives him a huge defense buff. At this point, it is just a matter of picking at him and staying alive.

Scenario 7: Saviors of Anzel SHOP: Buy 2 Sinclairs and 2 Brigandines. Give Taylor the Boots of Wind from Ledin as well as a Sinclair and Brigandine. Ledin also gets the Sinclair and Brigandine. Promote both Narm and Taylor to Dragon Knight at this time.

Set up Narm far to the right with Ledin next to her. Taylor can be in the upper-left spot. Give Narm and Taylor a team of Angels, Ledin can get Troopers. Start off with Accelerate on Narm's team and have her fly up the bridge. Taylor can fly east and take out any troops on his way towards the fort.

Ledin can move east to intercept a water troop that is making their way to land. Don't take too long though as the Lance Brigade will show up before long in the lower-right part of the map and can target Ledin easily. You can try to milk out some experience for Narm and Taylor here, but getting the snipe is your best course of action.

Scenario 8: Pursuit Ledin should be able to go Highlander in this chapter. Other than that, set Ledin at the upper-right position with Narm under him and Jessica under her. Taylor can go to the lower-left spot with Thorn next to him. Load up with Angels and Dragoons for Ledin.

Have Thorn use Sharpen on Taylor, Jessica use Sharpen on Narm, then just do a full charge on the enemy. This battle is actually a very quick snipe and should be done within 2 turns. If you wait beyond that, prepare to lose a ton of time once Lance shows up. Kill what you can in the first round with Narm, Ledin, and Taylor, then finish off the snipe target.

Scenario 9: Rall's Torrents Buy yourself 3 Boots of Wind here (should give you 5 total, which is all you need for the rest of the run). Buy two Halberds. Ledin, Narm, and Taylor should all now have a Halberd, Brigandine, and Boots of Wind.

Load Ledin with Harpies and your dragon riders with Angels. Set Narm at the far left. Put Ledin at the far right spot. Taylor should go next to Ledin.

The quickest method here is escape. Narm, Taylor and Ledin should all go north (Ledin will have a bid of difficulty with the water but he should be able to cross it before the Krakens arrive. Narm and Taylor can handle any troops that arrive in the water, but Ledin needs to get across safely. Eventually Lance will show up as well as some neutral Krakens that will attack friend and foe alike. Ledin needs to make his way to the north part of the map. He will probably have to have a few battles, but take out whatever you can for the experience. Overall this fight shouldn't take too long, though the amount of troops and the hilly terrain will likely slow Ledin down.

Scenario 10: Lakeside Castle Load Narm and Taylor with Angels, Ledin with Dragoons. The default setup should be fine here. Just send up the middle and Taylor to swing around the right side, clearing out anything you can. The lone spellcaster does use wind magic, which will hurt Narm and Taylor a lot. So long as you are 4 squares away from her before your end your turn, you should be fine (you can place an Angel in the range and the spell will do very little damage as angels are highly resistant to magic).

You can leave Ledin in the middle to intercept any troops that come down. Some do show up to the south eventually. Ledin can stay behind to get some easy experience. Don't be afraid to have Thorn and Jessica give some buffs (Albert has a nice debuff spell that can make killing the commanders easier too).

The fight is a snipe, so kill the commander on the throne to advance.

Scenario 11: Dalsis Castle Load up Ledin with Dragoons, Narm and Taylor with Angels. Ignore the left side and put Taylor, Hawking, Narm, and Ledin on the right side (in that order. Taylor should fly straight up while Narm and Ledin take out the troops in front of them. Have Hawking end his turn beside Ledin (if you can get Narm to be next to Ledin as well, it will help next turn.

On the second turn, have Hawking Accelerate both Narm and Ledin. Send Taylor, Narm, and Ledin up to deal with the mage, then make your way up the center. Hawking should follow Ledin, casting Accelerate on him whenever possible.

Your goal is here escape, BUT you need Lance to show up and you CANNOT kill him (the rest of your party on the left side should suffice to stall him). Eventually, Wyverns will show up as well. Don't try to fight them, but if you haven't gotten to the escape point yet, you can use Narm, Taylor, and their troops to create a barrier to allow Ledin to escape to either side.

Scenario 12: Twin Castle Buy 4 Longbows and 4 Robes of Light. By now, either Narm and/or Taylor should be able to go Dragon Lord. Put Lance to a Knight Master (this will give you access to Sharpen 2). It is possible that Ledin might be able to be Ranger by now. If he can, go for it. If he is short, you are going to want to give him some levels soon. Any Dragon Lord should use Maelstrom and Raid Formation as their Skills. If Ledin is a Ranger, put Stealth Force over Pride. Make sure that Ledin, Narm, Taylor, and Lance have the Longbow, Robe of Light, and Boots of Speed.

Set Taylor, Narm, Lance, and Ledin on the right side. Give them Angels and give Dragoons to Ledin and Royal Lancers to Lance.

This battle is a snipe on Digos, but is not easy. Digos hits hard with Thunderbolt (Angels have magic resistance remember). You can lure Digos to use Thunderstorm by putting a couple of troops in his range (4 spaces from him). He has 3 casts of it, so you may want to buy out some turns by killing off the surrounding troops (again, Ledin needs to be at a high enough level to go Ranger if he isn't already). Keeping troops within 4 spaces of Digos will also lure his troops out to attack. These troops (Cannons) are strong, so don't be afraid to use Sharpen 1 or 2 if need be.

Once Digos is down to a couple of troops, make sure you Sharpen 2 your best commanders and then charge at him. If he has some Thunderstorms left, it will be a bit harder (but if you can kill off a Cannon in hopes of leveling up). Surround Digos and hit him with your best shot. He shouldn't take long to bring down.

Scenario 13: Creeping Darkness Hopefully by now both Narm and Taylor are Dragon Lords. Load up Narm with Gryphons and give Taylor 1-2 Gryphons. Ledin should get a single Dragoon. You also only get 6 commanders here. Make sure that Hawkings and Jessica are also in your party. Place Narm at the top-left spot, Jessica below her, Taylor in the top middle spot, Hawkings below him, and Ledin to the far right spot.

Start off with Ledin going right to start taking out that mob, then have Hawkings use Accelerate on Taylor. Have Taylor fly all the way north to handle the slime mob (should be quick and easy after 2 rounds). Have Narm fly left and take care of both mobs there. Jessica probably cannot reach Narm on the first turn to cast Sharpen, but if you move her close to the action, she might be able to in the next turn. Narm's Crimson Tide can take out the zombies rather quickly.

At your levels, these enemies should not be difficult to clear within 2 rounds. If you take any more than 3 rounds, more mobs will show up and will drag this scenario out longer.

Scenario 14: Dark Fortress This battle requires a little bit of a setup to make work right. An NPC named Betty will show up in this fight, but she MUST die. The easiest way I found to do this is to set Thorn to the far upper-right side and load him with Troopers. Set Hawking next to him, then on the left side set Narm and Taylor with a team of Gryphons.

Start off with Hawkings casting Accelerate on Thorn, then send Thorn straight north. The rest of your main team should focus on clearing the field. When Betty shows up in the upper-right side of the map, see where her movement range is, then send Thorn and his team to block off that path. This will cause Betty to run towards the troops that are chasing her and she will try to fight them. Leave Thorn where he is until Betty gets surrounded, then have him run away a bit so that the enemy troops won't try to focus on Thorn.

Other than that, this is just a clear. Give Ledin as many kills as he needs to get enough CP to become a Ranger (this is a requirement for the next fight). The annoying part is getting Betty to die, as she can heal herself a couple of times. She should die by the time you defeat Nagya. After Betty dies, send one of your dragons to take out that troop.

Scenario 15: City of Harmony Buy 3 Assassin Garmets. Ledin needs to be a Ranger here. Give him the Langrisser and an Assassin's Garmet. Give him the Stealth Force and Naval Boarding skills. Hire a Dragoon for Ledin and start up.

Ledin is alone in this fight, but this fight isn't difficult. With his high movement (should be at 9 for this fight), Ledin can reach close to the enemies within 2 turn. By turn 3, you should be able to start clearing the enemy commanders. Your dragoon will be good to clear a spot to any commander that is blocked. You shouldn't have any real danger here as there are only 3 sets of troops to kill.

Scenario 16: Former Friends Buy 3 Golden Wands and 3 Exorcist Swords. Your 3 new spellcasters should get Golden Wands, Robes of Light, and Boots of Speed. Also pick up the Arch Mage class for Nagya and the Sage Class for Nicolis (but return them to their original classes). Give Ledin one Dragoon and set him in front. Boser should have the top spot with a couple Archfields, Nicolas the right spot, and Nagya the bottom spot.

Have Nicolas start with Sharpen 3 on Ledin, then have your remaining commanders go left towards the bridge. On the second turn, Boser should cast Thunderstorm to greatly weaken Taylor's troop, which he can then finish off with an Archfiend. Nagya can dispose of Narm and her troop with Tempest. Ledin can easily get rid of Lance on his own. Clean up Thorn on turn 3 with any spells that can hit, then have Ledin go to Jessica. Turn 4, put him next to one of Jessica's troop, but don't attack it. This will end the fight.

Scenario 17: Cavern Battle Give Narm the Langrisser. Ledin and Taylor should get an Exorcist Sword. Narm and Taylor with Assassin's Garmets and Boots of Speed. Set up the right side (from top to bottom) Ledin, Taylor, Narm, Boser. Jessica and Thorn should be on the left side in the top two spots from the top. Load Taylor and Narm with Gryphons. Give Ledin a Dragoon.

Start off Ledin going to his right and immediately attacking the soldier there. Then have Thorn using Sharpen 1 on Narm and Jessica using Sharpen 1 on Taylor. Boser should then cast Teleport on Narm to put her as far right as he can. From here, just send in Taylor and Narm to clean house. Focus on the lone messengers as if they get away, this fight could take longer (Ledin and Narm should be able to handle them). Focus on the commanders and call it good. This fight should be quickly done.

Scenario 18: Anti-Invasion Set up Narm and Taylor to the left with 3-4 Gryphons each. Put Ledin in top spot.

Have Ledin cast Accelerate on either Narm or Taylor, then have them charge the ship. At the end of turn 1, Thorn will turn to the enemy side. Because this is route H and Jessica is not mind-controlled, Jessica will cast Meteor at the start of the turn to defeat Thorn automatically (if you defeateed Jessica in scenario 15, you would have to manually defeat Thorn). The rest of this fight is ridiculously easy. Just take out Albert and Hawking as quickly as possible.

Scenario 19: Assassination Buy 2 Ice Blades and 5 Mithril Armor. Give the Ice Blades to Ledin and Taylor, and the Armor to Ledin, Narm, and Taylor. If Narm has 40 CP, you can buy the Ranger class for the skill (it will give her +2 move at the cost of 1 troop count). If you do this, make sure to put her back to Dragon Lord.

Set Narm to the upper-left with Ledin below her. Taylor to the upper-right with Jessica below him. Buy a couple of Gryphons for both of your dragons.

Start off with Ledin using Accelerate on Narm and Jessica using Sharpen 1 on Taylor. This battle is pretty much a quick clear. More enemy troops will show up, but Nicolis and Nagya should be able to handle them pretty well on their own, or at least weaken them a ton to let your dragons finish them off. There are only 4 troops, so this fight should also end quick.

Scneario 20: I am Boser Buy 2 Necronomicons for Nagya and Nicolis. Give them the leftover Boots of Wind and Mithril Armor. Give Narm and Taylor full Gryphons and place them in the front left and right spots. Nagya in the middle front, Ledin in the middle back. Nicolis should be in the far left side.

First turn, you will want to charge forward. Get Nicolis to move as far diagonal down/right as possible to set him up for some magic on the second turn. The enemy troops, lead by Thorn, will charge as well. Nagya using Earthquake should deal a ton of damage, followed by Nicolas with any of his big spells. Focus on the enemy commanders. Though very unlikely, it is possible to kill all of the enemy commanders by the end of your 2nd turn. If you can do so, the scenario will end. If you fail to end this by 2nd turn, Laias and Latitia will show up with two more troops, dragging this fight out even longer. Just keep up the attacks on the commanders and this will your run will be done. Time stops on the Scenario Clear screen.

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