Question about rules
2 years ago
Keski-Suomi, Finland
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

So I am a "top" runner for the l4d1 & l4d2 games and those are the games I mostly play, we use mainly SST (Source Speedrun Tools) for demo recording and other stuff like bhop script runs, I was wondering because it un-hides few commands on l4d survivors as well, mainly I am interested in the fps_max command it un-hides that isn't normally accessible.

So I was wondering would I be allowed to increase the fps_max and still submit runs on these leaderboards. Because the default locked 60fps in kinda jarring to play on compared to the 300 we get on rest of the l4d games.


We created most of the rules for the game with the idea of keeping it as close to real hardware as we reasonably can. Stuff like using In Game Time and banning callvote were done to make the run more fair to the hypothetical real hardware speedrun of the same caliber. While allowing SST for fps_max commands which are purely cosmetic and don't affect the run, we feel that allowing that kind of modification that comes with SST goes against the spirit of the earlier precedent set by our previous rules. If it was possible to unlock the FPS through a launch option or editing a video settings file we'd most likely allow it, but allowing the direct modification of the game goes too far in our opinion,

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Rule Changes as of February 1st, 2022

After discussion among the mods, we've reached an agreement to make a couple of rule changes to the boards. These changes will go into effect at the posting of this news post, so please pay attention to the changes below.

  • The callvote command will be banned in all categories from now on
3 years ago
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