Joining the Killing Floor Classic running!

Wiz0rdCrystalScarred here, and I'd like to pitch my attempt at some of the runs currently available (and not currently made) on the website!

As is proper; here is the link to the run.

I'll add more detail soon, but it is very late and I have work in the morning! Happy running!


I don't mean to be one of "those" runners constantly updating on new PB's every other day; but I've just had a session to try and improve on the time set the other night... and I did it! Now to get the run verified. The final time clocks in at 9:06 using the in-game timer (21 second improvement on the previous run!)

Here's the link for the new and improved KF-WestLondon Beginner, Short speedrun:

A few missed shots, but some very lucky 2-for-1's, Z-time and very aggressive wave spawns meant for an improved overall time. Seeing as the combined "preparation time" across beginner short is 5:30, I think hitting sub 9 would be a tremendous feat. Possible with tier 6 demolitions?

I'm fairly satisfied with this attempt for now, unless people have further recommendations or highlight errors, I'll dab my hand at other run catagories; and if there is literally no competition around - start on another project perhaps, though I hope some other runners decide to give Killing Floor 1 a whirl.


Hey dude! It's great to hear than someone wants to pick up Killing Floor speedrunning. I played KF for a while with my friends and wanted to try getting them into running it with me, but it kinda didn't work out so i made just a few filler runs (i just kinda played 4-5 solo rounds). If you want to improve routing or maybe run 2p or 3p i'll be glad to help you out and have some fun! :)


Hey EagleLiver, Glad to finally speak to you. I really enjoyed your record leading run and it's what I used for the route / inspiration to put up a time. It's really great to actually meet someone who is running the game too! I know most of the casual players have moved onto the second game, but I still love the first!

I'll see if I can find you on Steam - I am under Wiz0rd, send me a friend request; I'd love to stream and talk about routing and strats! (And thank you for being awesome about the verification, I'm new to the website! Is there any other games that you run too?)

I was thinking; one of the things that would be great would be setting up "Tours" of groups of levels. Not like, playing through 100% of the whole game: which I worked out on Easy Short alone would take upwards of 5hrs30mins! So these tours would be like Core Maps% or Christmas Special Maps% which would be between 4-5 maps, making a single-segment run totaling about 1 hour or less. The run would include a lot of routing and work on quick menuing for the quickest times. What do you think?

The core maps% would be - KF-BioticsLab, KF-Farm, KF-Manor, KF-Offices and finally KF-WestLondon. These were the only 5 maps to be released with the full original game and are most likely the most run maps on the public servers too.


Hey EagleLiver and Eskairle! EDIT: Hey, I was just wondering if it would be okay for me to be a Moderator for Killing Floor running as well, if it isn't too much of an issue. I'd love to promote the KF community here on

Just uploaded these filler runs too if you want to run and race me. They aren't perfect as I've run them faster off camera >:(((( Sometimes KF can be really frustrating to run because of RNG and zombie spawns, but it is mostly fun and rewarding.

I've asked for Verification as well, so please enjoy them! KF-WestLondon Normal Short in 8:26 (8:01 is possible with perfect wave spawns. I lose 20 seconds + to a stupid Patriarch)

And KF-WestLondon Hard Short in 9:18 with another stupid Patriarch round. Ugh.

Race me! :D

New South Wales, Australia

Hey everyone!

I saw this game pop-up on the front page a couple days ago and thought it would be fun to give it crack :)

I submitted a run for WL on hard mode, But I do feel like it could be heavily improved, the location I'm holding is not too bad for spawns but is quite risky and with a flamethrower... you can't see much.

Wiz0rdCrystalScarred нравится это

Hey Qwerku, glad to see my broadcasts didn't go totally unnoticed! Congratulations on the run! Looks very fast! You beat my time by almost 30 seconds, which is a lot! I'll see if I can try your strats. But welcome to the KF speedrun community! Sorry I didn't get in touch sooner. Did you want to hang out on Steam at all?


Bonjour Tokida_San! Welcome to the party! Great to meet you. I do not have a powerful PC eithe, so I feel your pain. I also play in very low quality.

9:42 is a great run time for one of your first runs! When I first started, I saw Eaglelivers run and I could not get under 10 minutes at all! So congratulations! I urge you to upload the run for verification and getting on the leaderboard!

Hope you had fun with it. I'm now getting around to trying Qwerku's strategy for WestLondon!


100% yes, ^ this comment. I was thinking about putting up a bounty for it.


  • Done! $20 to anyone who can discover a skip for the trader timer!

  • ALSO: Single Segment Christmas levels have been added! See you at the races!


That was quick: resolved, will update with a guide! WE CAN SKIP THE TRADER! A new era of KF runs has begun.

Toltheon нравится это
Western Australia, Australia

I had some fun speedrunning KFO-Transit a couple months ago on beginner when I didn't have a net connection. Got down to 15:12 game time.

Edit: I guess KFO maps don't work with SkipTrader? That's a shame


If you want to put up a time for the KFO maps - I'll put up a category for you! :D

CabbageDevourer420 нравится это

Hey wiz0rd eagle liver gave me Mod because i was waiting 5 weeks for a single run validation, because he was rarely active. and back then you weren't online for 3 months, Its nice to have you back.

Статистика игры
Последние запуски
Уровень: Steamland, Objective, Normal
Уровень: West London, Beginner, Short
Уровень: Toy Master, Normal, Short
Последние темы
Опубликовано 2 years ago
Опубликовано 3 years ago
Опубликовано 8 years ago