Top Ride 100 - 4P route
Top Ride 100 - 4P route
Обновлено 8 years ago от swordsmankirby

Route by bbforky with minor contributions from me (swordsmankirby), based on the 1P route by CrystalChaos

Legend: ¤¤¤ = unlocks a purple checkbox ^^^ = likely to miss

The race should be finished, unless it says "[Restart]" or "[Quit]".

===Top Ride===

SET Items: Many, Speed Help: None, Camera: Fixed


R1) Fire C001) Cause a huge eruption 3 times or more!¤¤¤ [Restart] C002) Finish 1st while holding the Fire item.^^^ C003) Finish 6 laps in under 00:53:00! C004) Finish 1st 5 seconds faster than #2!

R2) Light C005) Finish 1st and bust 6 or more columns! C006) Take 1st and grind the rail 5 times or more!¤¤¤ C007) Finish 6 laps in under 00:43:00! C008) Finish 1st 5 seconds faster than #2!

R3) Water C009) Take 1st and enter the falls 5 times or more! C010) Finish 5 laps in under 01:02:00! C011) Finish 1st 5 seconds faster than #2!

R4) Metal C012) Take 1st and break 5 or more gear walls! C013) Take 1st and hit the switch 10 times or more! C014) Finish 5 laps in under 00:58:00! C015) Finish 1st 5 seconds faster than #2!

R5) Sky C016) Take 1st and hit the Isle Knob 5 or more times! C017) Finish 6 laps in under 01:02:00! C018) Finish 1st 5 seconds faster than #2!

R6) Sand C019) Finish 7 laps in under 00:52:00! C020) Finish 1st 5 seconds faster than #2!

R7) Grass C021) Finish 1st and hit 5 or more Dash Panels! C022) Finish 7 laps in under 00:43:00! C023) 24 Finish 1st 5 seconds faster than #2! C024) Take 1st place on all courses!

Within these "Recommended" races you should get C025) Finish 1st with 1 lap between you and #2! C026) Finish 1st with 2 laps between you and #2!

SET Laps: 25

P1, P2, P3, P4

R8) Sand
C027) Drop into Ant Doom 50 times or more!¤¤¤ C028) Drop into Ant Doom 20 times in one game! C029) Take 1st place and catch the worm 3 or more times! C030) Get the same item 3 times in one race! C031) Torch 3 or more rivals using one Fire item! C032) Send 3 or more rivals sailing using one Buzz Saw item!^^^ C033) In one game, hit enemies 3 times or more with Bomb items! C034) Take 1st place while doing a Quick Spin! C035) Do 20 or more Quick Spins in one lap and finish 1st! [Quit after ~85 combined laps]

Note: Even though it says "one lap," it means "one race." Conveniently, you only have to use one controller for most of this race--the other players will automatically fall into the sand pit. Since they'll be hugging the walls for most of the time, it'll be easy to get the bomb and fire checkboxes, but buzzsaw is difficult because it has a short duration and the sand pit is random.

SET Items: Few, Speed Help: Strong

P1, P2, CPU Lv 5, OFF R9) Sand C036) Race one lap without hitting a wall and finish 1st! C037) Finish 1st with CPUs set to level 5! [Quit] P1, P2, OFF, CPU Lv 1 R10) Sand C038) Take 1st place without using Boost! C039) (No "Zero Items" Rule) Take 1st place without using items! P1, P2, OFF, OFF R11) Sand [Restart 6x] C040) Take 1st place 10 times or more! C041) Race more than 100 laps!

Note: The remaining top ride races are all more or less the same, differing only in level. That is, it quits out of a CPU Lv 5 race after finishing, and then completes a no-boost race. The no items checkbox can happen in either race, or even before this section. The strange order minimizes menuing time during level select. If you're feeling ballsy, you can try to combine the two races on each level into one. Apparently, this works the best on Sky and Light.

P1, P2, CPU Lv 5, OFF R12) Grass C042) Finish 1st with CPUs set to level 5! [Quit] P1, P2, OFF, CPU Lv 1 R13) Grass C043) Take 1st place without using Boost! C044) (No "Zero Items" Rule) Take 1st place without using items!

P1, P2, CPU Lv 5, OFF R12) Light C045) Finish 1st with CPUs set to level 5! [Quit] P1, P2, OFF, CPU Lv 1 R13) Light C046) Take 1st place without using Boost! C047) (No "Zero Items" Rule) Take 1st place without using items!

P1, P2, CPU Lv 5, OFF R12) Fire C048) Finish 1st with CPUs set to level 5! [Quit] P1, P2, OFF, CPU Lv 1 R13) Fire C049) Take 1st place without using Boost! C050) (No "Zero Items" Rule) Take 1st place without using items!

P1, P2, CPU Lv 5, OFF R12) Sky C051) Finish 1st with CPUs set to level 5! [Quit] P1, P2, OFF, CPU Lv 1 R13) Sky C052) Finish 1st without using the Jump Plate! C053) Take 1st place without using Boost! C054) (No "Zero Items" Rule) Take 1st place without using items!

P1, P2, CPU Lv 5, OFF R12) Metal C055) Finish 1st with CPUs set to level 5! [Quit] P1, P2, OFF, CPU Lv 1 R13) Metal C056) Take 1st without breaking any gear walls! C057) Take 1st place without using Boost! C058) (No "Zero Items" Rule) Take 1st place without using items!

P1, P2, CPU Lv 5, OFF R12) Water C059) Finish 1st with CPUs set to level 5! [Quit] P1, P2, OFF, CPU Lv 1 R13) Water C060) Take 1st place without using Boost! C061) (No "Zero Items" Rule) Take 1st place without using items!
C062) Finish all courses without using Boost!¤¤¤ C063) Finish 1st on all courses without Boost! C064) Complete all courses without using items! C065) Finish 1st on all courses using no items!

Top Ride Extras and Backups:

            Cxxx) Take 1st place while holding the Hammer!
            Cxxx) Get over 18 different types of items!
            Cxxx) Compete in more than 10 multiplayer races!
            Cxxx) Grass: Take 1st place 10 times or more!
            Cxxx) Light: Take 1st place 10 times or more!

Note: After this point, you want 66 checkboxes (or 67 with "Cross the goal 20 or more times!"). There are lots of possibilities of how to handle the extra checkbox. For example, if you collect the hammer checkbox, you can just use one controller for the no-boost races. If you are going for the multiplayer checkbox, replace the six restarts on Sand with two restarts and four finishes.

===Free Run===

Time Attack:

Note: Somewhere during this, you will unlock: C067) Cross the goal 20 or more times!

            C068) Finish in under 00:33:00!¤¤¤
            C069) Finish in under 00:28:00!
            C070) Finish in under 00:35:00!
            C071) Finish in under 00:29:00!
            C072) Finish in under 00:57:00!
            C073) Finish in under 00:47:00!
            C074) Finish in under 00:46:00!
            C075) Finish in under 00:39:00!
            C076) Finish in under 00:38:00!
            C077) Finish in under 00:33:00!
            C078) Finish in under 01:06:00!
            C079) Finish in under 00:56:00!
            C080) Finish in under 00:57:00!
            C081) Finish in under 00:51:00!

Free Run:

Note: The default level will be whichever you ended Time Attack on.

            C082) Do one lap in under 00:11:50!
            C083) Do one lap in under 00:09:50!
            C084) Do one lap in under 00:12:00!
            C085) Do one lap in under 00:10:50!
            C086) Do one lap in under 00:07:50!
            C087) Do one lap in under 00:06:00!
            C088) Do one lap in under 00:08:00!
            C089) Do one lap in under 00:06:50!
            C090) Do one lap in under 00:11:00!
            C091) Do one lap in under 00:09:00!
            C092) Do one lap in under 00:06:50!
            C093) Do one lap in under 00:05:00!
            C094) Do one lap in under 00:06:00!
            C095) Do one lap in under 00:04:50!

Purple Checkboxes: C096) C097) C098) C099) C100)

Note: You can't use these on the bottom-right checkbox.

End time when this unlocks: C101) Fill in over 100 Checklist blocks!

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