Ellie Satler's ID Route
7 years ago
California, USA

I came up with an alternate route that is pretty close on time to the current WR route, but I decided against it. It revolves around getting Ellie Satler's ID at the end of the ship, then sealing the Visitor Center with it. The main issue is that you don't get the "XX Dinos Remaining" messages on the ship, so you have to rely on not messing that up. Interestingly enough, when you seal the Visitor Center, it'll flash the normal message, then quickly change to "Good Alan... The ship is free of dinos."

This route allows you to skip entirely Alan Grant's ID and the Night Vision for the Visitor Center.

Route: ¤ After restarting the computer and gaining Security Level 1, die as normal and spawn on the roof. This time, just leave through the main entrance. ¤ Head to the Raptor Pen. ¤ Head to the Night Vision on the ground floor, then die. To do this well, only kill the spitter blocking the door just after the elevator and intentionally walk close to the raptors so you die right after getting the Night Vision. ¤ Now stop on the middle floor, grab Ian Malcom's ID, then continue down. ¤ Grab Muldoon's ID, then die. ¤ Continue the route as normal, grabbing the nerve gas and clearing the ship. On B3 of the ship, grab Ellie Satler's ID. ¤ Now, after the mountain, enter the Visitor Center. Turn right through the Kitchen, then down the elevator to the basement. Continue straight past where you'd normally turn right for night vision, then turn left to find the elevator to the Raptor Pen. ¤ Seal the Raptor Pen, then death warp back to the Visitor Center. ¤ Now head to the Raptor Pen entrance, run to the computer and activate Ship Communications (requires sealing the Visitor Center). Death warp again. ¤ Next just clear the Raptor Nest and finish the game as normal.

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