Possible to speedrun on Xbox
7 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

What if i wanted to speedrun this on Xbox Can i do that as well or is that not an option i only see PC so wanted to make sure


I'm sure one of the mods can add in xbox as an option, don't let that stop you from running either way though


Could always separate the versions then


Once you add a subcategory hit that mango looking button that sets all runs without a value/subcategory to a default one then you'll be good

Отредактировано пользователем автор 7 years ago

I hope you guys realize also that whatever site you're using for your runs isn't accurate like at all to the original and that the emulated xbox version is more like the original

Отредактировано пользователем автор 7 years ago
United States

@grape I would suggest a more appropriate response, please.

DarQ, blueYOSHI и 2 другие нравится это
Massachusetts, USA

I mean if i use xbox ill still submit the run ethier way I just didnt see it as a option thats why i was asking and i might just do the live long% as well as the first rocket but also what about a 1 loop% there are 16 levels to make a loop if i remember correctly


Well, I didn't notice in the other thread one of the mods ruled console runs as invalid because of slower drops (which is how it's supposed to be lol) compared to whatever they've run jetpac on


So what's gonna be done about the PC runs? Just curious since they're not legitimate and this site does have ZX Spectrum as a platform


pc runs should be fine


The runs done from classicgamesarcade aren't accurate though https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=109s&v=9Hy29KoBnGY if you're going to keep them at least separate it on the boards, jetpac wasn't released on pc either

New Brunswick, Canada

I have already brought up about how the console runs different because of the site they use, however nothing was done so I did not run the game for that exact reason. The console version should be taken as the correct version as it was actually made by the people who made the original game, not some random website that happens to run a version of it.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 7 years ago
Boog2TheMan и Tron_Javolta нравится это
New York, USA

Is the DK64 version of this game any different from the original? Could someone submit a run using n64?


Hmm it actually appears that the fuel packs drop slightly faster in dk64 than they do in the original/Xbox one.. I'm on mobile and can't really test it at the moment, it definitely wouldn't be out of the question submitting it from dk64 but it'd need its own section lol

Отредактировано пользователем автор 7 years ago

So I did some quick testing of the both rare replay versions (the original and the retro version from jetpac refuelled) along with the website that was used for the runs that are currently up, the original one (on rare replay, I have yet to test on zx spectrum and I have no way of testing the dk64 version unless someone else is able to) came out to 5.974 seconds for the fuel pack to drop from the top of the screen down into the ship, the retro version from jetpac refuelled came out to 2.804 seconds, and the website knockoff one came out to 1.433 seconds.

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