Timing of Speedruns
2 years ago

Hello CrispyJohnson and community, I was recently watching some of CrispyJohnson's world record videos, and I came across something that I found odd. The timing of the Jeep Thrills individual level speedruns begins when the player hits "Start Race" in the menu. After the player presses 2 on the controller, they have to wait in a menu for several seconds (roughly eight seconds) and can not do anything to speed it up, wasting several seconds of the run do to something that is out of their power. It would be nice if the runs would instead start at the second the player gains control of the car, or something like that, so then it would be completely up to the player and skill as opposed to something like loading times, as different Wiis and copies of the game can load at faster or slower times than other. Thank you for your consideration CrispyJohnson, and I wish you all a pleasant time speedrunning Jeep Thills! ;)

Отредактировано пользователем автор 2 years ago
Diamondsun9275 нравится это
Alberta, Canada

Sorry for the late reply- I've been very busy this past week. I'm still relatively new to moderating speedruns, so forgive me if this is something I should know. If I were to change the rules to what you've proposed, would I need to redo all of my current runs? Thanks

delta_1 нравится это

Hi CrispyJohnson, I think that redoing all of your previous runs isn't necessary, but you could possibly just retime them (maybe just use the in-game timer instead or something), but I'm not quite sure and am open to other suggestions. Thanks!

Alberta, Canada

I'll look into this when I have some free time- sorry I've been extremely busy lately!

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