Опубликовано 18 days ago от

Hi!! I'm here to clarify that all of the playlist full-game categories have been removed, mostly due to their auto-scroller nature, but also because of loading screen differences. All Songs is here to stay, since most Just Dance leaderboards have an All Songs category. I also added two new categories, Full Playlist and 4stars%, meaning that this game and Just Dance Disney Party 2 now have matching rules and categories. All of the information for the new categories is inside the updated rules.👋

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Опубликовано 1 year ago от

As of February 2024, all new Individual Level speedruns must be submitted as a video that includes the entire song. This is to prevent cheating using editing software. All existing runs are still valid, and audio is not required so as to avoid copyright issues.

In addition, the Team High Score IL category has been removed primarily because of speedrun.com's new timing format. For example, the time 26:59:59 would be shown as 1:2:59:59, converting the set of 24 hours into 1 day. The category was also removed because it was tedious in the first place.

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Reworked Full-Game Leaderboard

Hi!! I'm here to clarify that all of the playlist full-game categories have been removed, mostly due to their auto-scroller nature, but also because of loading screen differences. All Songs is here to stay, since most Just Dance leaderboards have an All Songs category. I also added two new categorie

18 days ago
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