issues with autosplitter by Andersama
3 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

When I click new game (to start act 2...) it stops the timer. If I have it so that it can reset, it does. Does anyone have suggestions to deal with this? I can also try to split manually if you think that works better.

United States

That autosplitter doesn't work right, so don't use it. (Not even sure who Andersama is lol). There isn't a working autosplitter to the best of my knowledge, so you'll need to split manually.

Отредактировано пользователем автор 3 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

Ok, thanks for the help. I have figured out how to split fairly well... for some reason I have to tab out of the game to do it, I'll figure something out hopefully.

United States

Right click on Livesplit and click on Settings, then make sure Global Hotkeys is checkmarked. Then you should be able to split even while not focused on Livesplit. (You can also configure the hotkeys in this menu.)

Massachusetts, USA

Yeah... I remembered seeing that option and fixxed it earlier today, also am now submitting my first run. Thanks for all the help!

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Any% (Unrestricted, Console) and 100% has been added.

Today, Any% (Unrestricted, Console) and 100% has been added.

We decided to separate the Unrestricted leaderboard for fairness. Doorbreaker Skip as a new powerful glitch, is only available in the Console version, and allows you to skip Act 1.

100% is the longest category on Inscryption speedrun.

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