Can I run the game on a PS3 and consider it as a "Console" run?
1 year ago

I have a PS3 that can run the game. I am unsure if this is considered another form of emulation or whether it is considered running natively. Any clarification on the ruling for this would be appreciated. Thanks :)!

Florida, USA

Hey @Kervzz ! Backwards Compatible PS3 wouldn't be allowed on the same leaderboard as PS2 because it loads games exponentially faster than the PS2, making for an unfair time advantage. The console is also extremely prone to yellow light of death and GPU failure, so allowing it and kind of forcing everyone else to buy one to compete is dangerous for accessibility/longevity. I have dealt with the BCPS3 and its negative affects on leaderboards for Kingdom Hearts 1, DBZ Budokai, and multiple other leaderboards and this is how i've chosen to handle it after seeing the damage it can cause.

I have heard that some games don't load faster on BCPS3, but ive yet to see an example of one that doesn't. If you have the CECHA, CECHB, or CECHC/CECHE models of PS3 with a disc copy of the game, I would say you can do a run and post the video for us so we can check and compare the loads. It likely will be much faster though, meaning it wouldn't be allowed under "Console" and would have to have a category made for "BCPS3" for submissions.

As for PS3's running PS2 game ISOs through homebrew software like Multiman and HEN, this would be a similar situation of saving large amounts of time on loading alone. However, if you do the run on homebrew software it would likely be fine to be submitted under emulator, we would just have to check the loads and hope that it isn't faster than PC emulation. If it is, it would have to be banned as well for accessibility reasons.

PS3 for PS2 games is a very complicated issue, so sorry if that was a long winded answer. Thanks for asking ahead of time!

Nighlin нравится это
California, USA

I agree with the above sentiment. Please do a run of the game as its great to have more players play the game. Worst case we add the PS3 category as stated above. Its good for everyone if your run exists and is posted as others will be able to see the differences between versions.

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