I wonder something so i explain here cuz' idk what's good answer.
So, I submit my first run but i discover after few minutes then for 4-5 min. my connection was dead so there are so much lags - and it repeats once-twice again :(
So, that could be unverified/unallowed a run? And if it's possible, can I submit the run later - after posting it on Ytb with the Local record wich has no lags? (so, can I - or anyone - delete my run on the leaderboard for now and submits it again later?) -> for reupload, i can only upload the run on Youtube during Weekend :( enjoy my bad connection during the entire Week :x
And it matters if i don't take a look of the in-game time? or i need it for the next run i'll submit?
Thanks for answer in advance :)
i just check random your run and seems ok to me. no lags in most of the points that i watched.
you can edit or delete the run yourself, so if you want to upload on YT go for it. btw, if you connect your YT account to Twitch there is a porting option to port from Twitch to YT. i've said too much time yt and twich.
about the in-game time, is not important for the leaderboard.
Okay thank you very much. I think i will submit my next runs on Yt before but for this run i actually keep it up.
Okay i'm back about submiting run. So i changed something in LiveSplit and i did a dumb thing -> my delta time and my time when i split were based on my Best Segments and not my PB segments ( Column "Time" on Livesplit on the video - when i'll upload it) so the timer is little bit weird but we can understand what is my actual time on the run so, can i submit it?
Sorry about the late replies, yes you can still submit it. As long as we can see the final time, that's all that matters.
Okay thanks. I was thinking about re-time it. For the Game Time, i need every Game time Split/Segments or only the final Game Time?
Just the final. Splits aren't that big of a deal, unless you want to upload them to splits.io and post those here as well.
Hey everyone. Today we have a small update for you all regarding some changes to the rules regarding recordings of runs.
For a long, long time now it has been a requirement for PC runs to have both clear visuals of the game throughout the entire run (so not hiding any game HUD elements or FPS count