How to Survive Walkthrough
How to Survive Walkthrough
Обновлено 8 years ago от Sgitch

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Quests 1-5 Quest 01

You start off on Los Riscos Island. As you progress, the islands tend to become bigger, less friendly, and include more advanced terrain features. Therefore, this is basically the easiest island to get around on.

Your first quest is to find a healing plant for Andrew. There should be two plants on the beach, I recommend picking up both of them. Speak to Andrew to turn this in.

Quest 02

This is easy. Just find Ramon. There is a trail to the North that takes you to a small area with huts. Turn East and follow the terrain to reach Ramon. Talk to him to turn in the mission.

Quest 03

This quest is also extremely easy. All you have to do is light the nearby campfire (you can't miss it, it's right on the beach). To do this, as the game explains, open your inventory and press the '->' button at the bottom. You will see a (small) skill-tree. There is only one option available, and that is the Caveman skill. Select this, light the fire, and you will receive both a flashlight and a lesson in day/night cycles.

Quest 04

This is your first real quest. It's not difficult or lengthy, but it serves to set the pace for the rest of the game.

Your objective is to find some gasoline and return to where you started the quest. First, head back away from the coast, to the Northern section of the island.

Be careful as you move. In addition to regular zombies, who are NOT afraid of the light, there are Gollum-like creatures that are. They aren't hard to kill, but they are numerous. If you don't want to risk the fight, hold your right mouse button and shine the light at them, as you move to the objective, to keep them away. This takes a bit of micromanagement and peripheral awareness, but isn't a significant challenge.

Before long, you'll come across a safe house with an unlit campfire. Quickly light the fire. If you've been collecting sticks and other materials, you should be able to craft a bow and some arrows. I highly recommend it. When you're feeling confident (you can wait for daybreak if you like), open the door to the safehouse. Be prepared, as this will trigger a hoard. Take note that every subsequent safehouse attracts a larger, more aggressive hoard than the last. The first safehouse is fairly easy. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Inside the safehouse will be the gas can. Your journey back to Ramon won't have any surprises, so saunter on back and turn in the mission.

Quest 05

Talk to Ramon to start this mission. This is also fairly easy. Just head North along the coast from Ramon. Before long, you will find the guy from the tutorials, laying into some zombies. This is Kovak, and he is your new best friend. Clear the zombies and talk to him to finish the mission. Quests 6-11 Quest 06

Jump in the indicated rowboat (La Vendida Island) and talk to Kovak again.

Quest 07

Super easy! Talk to Kovak to start. Run around and collect some roots. Eat some to up your hunger meter. The roots are fairly easy to spot, and are all within the general vicinity. Talk to Kovak, again, to complete this quest.

Quest 08

This is even easier than the hunger quest. After talking to Kovak, find the well (you can see it on your minimap). Run up, take a drink, feel great about it, and talk to Kovak again.

Quest 09

Talk to Kovak to learn about weapons crafting. All of the parts are on the bench right next to you. Simply pick them up. Start by selecting the harpoon grip in your inventory, and select the 'combine' option. It will only display the next applicable part, so there's no way you can mess up a recipe. Very user friendly. Finish crafting the shotgun and talk to Kovak to finish.

Quest 10

Talk to Kovak again. For this mission, you need to run to the East of your position and find the safehouse (again, this will be on your minimap - it presents as a circle with a half-moon overlaid). Clear out the safehouse, as you did on Los Riscos Island, and sleep in the bed provided (be sure to close the door, first). This will activate your fatigue bar. Return to Kovak.

Quest 11

Unfortunately, you do not keep the shotgun. However, Kovak will give you the harpoon grip, so you can make your own (likely a pistol). Talk to Kovak again to end this quest. Quests 12-18 Quest 12

First, talk to Ramon, who will ask you to get the starter from Andrew. That is the whole quest.

Quest 13

Return to Andrew, who will want raw meat in return for the engine starter (after initially saying you can't have it). Andrew is a tool.

Hunt around for a deer. There is usually one around the trail leading to the safehouse in the North. If you can't kill it right away, it will run. This is fine, just look for a faint trail of blood on the ground. Follow the trail, but it helps to hold your right mouse button as you move, which keeps your weapon at the ready. This slows your character to a walk, so that you won't spook the deer before getting the chance to aim. Loot the deer and try returning to Andrew.

Be careful! A massive zombie creature will spawn in the way. He looks daunting, but he's super easy to kill. Avoid his slamming attacks, and attack with range (bow or pistol). If he charges, be sure to tap the space bar in any direction out of the way, and your character will sprint out of harm's way in a short burst. Keep up the pressure.

Return to Andrew to end the quest.

Quest 14

Talk to Ramon again, then hold 'Q' next to the boat to fix it. Take this to La Sonada Island.

On the new Island, you get your first glimpse of the piece of @#$% that's going to take you away from this nightmare. Talk to Ramon again, and he will talk about plane things. Your new quest is to find the battery for the plane, and the cables.

Quest 15

Move through the terrain, working your way to a shed in the East part of the map. It's not hard to spot, as it's on high ground. Here is Carol, whom I don't much care for. She has barricaded herself in the shed, and wants you to find her daughter for her, because she is a terrible parent. She says she "might have what you need" (she does). Head out to the mission marker on the minimap.

On the way, you'll come to your first Piranha-infested waters. Piranhas are immune from damage, cannot be deterred, and shave off your health at an alarming rate. I hate them so much. Treat them like an environment hazard, and time your passages through the water accordingly. As a bonus, they will also eat zombies if you can lure them into the water.

Again, your objective is shown on the minimap. Keep checking it if you're having trouble navigating the terrain.

Quest 16

Here, you'll find the moron that Carol raised. Meet Emily, she didn't fall far from the tree (HAH).

Emily is hanging precariously on a branch, because Emily is stupid. Look for a rope, which will be in a safehouse to the North/Northwest. It's sitting right next to that confounded flying contraption. Unfortunately, you'll have to move through the swamp again to get there. Find the rope, and backtrack to Emily.

Talk to Emily, at which point . After talking to Emily, backtrack (again) to Carol, in the shed to the East.

Quest 17

Following that bit of awkwardness, talk to Ramon, who will freak out. Your battery is bad, and you'll need another one. You'll have to go to Santa Barbara Island. Take the nearby boat (it says La Sonada Island, which is the island you're on - it is taking you to another part of the island).

Quest 18

You should arrive at the safehouse in the Northwest, that had the rope. Talk to Kovak, who will give you the Engine Timing Belt. Use it to repair the confounded contraption, which you can then use to fly to Santa Barbara Island. Quests 19-27 Quest 19

In the Northern section of the Island, you will find Martha. Martha is insane, and apparently immune to zombies. Use your minimap if you have trouble navigating. From your starting point, you'll essentially had South to the Eastern part of the Island, then move straight West after crossing a bridge. Follow the path into a clearing to find her and her lovely plane-house.

(NOTE: This island is great for hunting)

After talking to Martha, you'll need to find her (stupid) cat. This will be a short trip, and your objective is marked on the minimap. When you get to the area indicated on the map, you'll find the (stupid) cat on the wooden scaffolding. Return to Martha for the end of the mission and a few choice words as to your character.

Quest 20

Talk to Martha again to start. For this, my favorite mission, you only need to . If you don't have any, hunt some of the Ostriches in the area. They are easier to kill than deer. If you've been hunting thus far, you should already have some feathers on you. If that is the case, just combine the two items in your inventory and talk to Martha again. Easy!

You will get a fully charged battery, and get to hear the words for your efforts.

Quest 21

Make your wait back to the flying contraption, and return to Ramon. Your next job is to talk to Kovak about finding a pilot for the plane. You'll have to take a boat to Los Riscos, and then trek to the other boat, taking you to La Vendida Island. Find Kovak on your minimap and talk to him to finish.

Quest 22

Talk to Kovak to start. He will show you how to make an explosive charge. Do so, and then talk to Kovak to end.

(NOTE - You will need lots of explosive charges throughout the rest of the campaign. They immediately become your most coveted item, so treat them that way. Make sure to aim with the right mouse button before throwing. It is highly recommend that you reset your skill points (you get 4 chances to do this), and make a beeline for the ability that makes an extra explosive charge for every one that you make. This will double your inventory as you make them from now on. Make sure to grab any bottles you see from now on, stock up on fertilizer, and keep lots of gasoline on you.)

Quest 23

You will be directed to a certain barricade, which you can now remove thanks to your new explosives. Here, talk to teddy bear lying on the ground. After that, talk to nearby.

After this, return to Carol on Santa Barbara Island. Her face is lit up on the minimap, and everything should be familiar by now.

Quest 24

You'll find Carol locked up in the safehouse in the Southern Farm. Open it up (be careful!). When everything is calm again, talk to Carol to end.

Quest 25

Talk to Carol again. Now return to Martha (she'll be in the same spot as before).

Quest 26

Talk to Martha. She will tell you about Sanchez, the pilot. Sanchez has terrible voice-acting, but whatever. Use the objective markers and minimap to find Sanchez. He isn't too far off the beaten path.

Quest 27

Talk to Sanchez after clearing the area. He gives you the dumbest mission ever, to collect 20 packages from the three main islands you've been walking around on (La Sonada, Los Riscos, and Santa Barbara). For the most part, you'll be backtracking through areas you've already visited. There are several packages that are in new areas, or behind barricades, but if you took my advice, you shouldn't have to keep backtracking for explosive supples. All packages are marked clearly on the minimap, so this shouldn't need any explaining. Take your time, and clear one island at a time, in any order you choose. Quests 28-30 Quests 28

Talk to Carol to begin. First you'll be loading the packages onto the plane. Sanchez will make a gracious appearance once this is done.

Quest 29

Talk to Sanchez, who isn't terribly helpful. You'll need to find Ramon. To do this, find Kovac to ask him about his whereabouts.

(NOTE- this is your last chance to stock up on supplies, and fill all of your bars. Quest 30 is the final one, and consists of a massive hoard and boss. Be prepared!)

Quest 30


If you're prepared, this shouldn't be too difficult. You should have figured out, by now, to prioritize the fatties before they get too close. As a bonus, try and hit them when they're surrounded by other mobs, as this can kill large swathes of the hoard. A brute will join the fight. Be careful and take your time, focus on keeping yourself healed and use your sprint carefully, so as not to deplete the bar too often.

Keep everything at a distance, and kill the brute as soon as you can. Pick off the survivors, and make your run to the plan.

Congratulations! You've beaten the game!

i hope you are now prepared to speedrun the game! :D

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