Timer Questions for Disabled Gamers
3 years ago
United States

Hello! I'm new here and am starting to practice Hollow Knight/maybe submit some runs someday. I do have a question that I don't see on the forums though. Does the run's timer still run when in the pause menu where the game's timer does not run anymore? I've noticed while watching some speed runs of Hollow Knight that the timer stops during some points in which the game's timer does and I wasn't sure to what extent this applied to Hollow Knight specifically. I'm not talking about stopping the timer manually in the pause menu (I understand a manual stop is a penalty no matter what) just asking if this time will be counted upon submission/review when the run's time is made official I guess.

I ask because as the title mentions I'm disabled and my hands don't work very well anymore. During my practice runs my hands go numb fairly quickly and I have to pause the game for a second to get feeling back. I would be happy to submit additional footage of myself playing to prove I'm not submitting clips from multiple runs or anything like that.

Bunnz нравится это
United Kingdom
She/Her, It/Its
3 years ago

The load remover in HK does not remove time in pause menus, and we can only take the time given by the timer for loadless runs. I may recommend using a long load normaliser, as this will give a brief break in between rooms, a 1221 version of which can be found in #resources in the linked discord server. However, this load normaliser can cause certain room cycles to be different, so that may be something to keep in mind when comparing to other people.

United Kingdom

The loadless timer doesn't allow for any indefinite pauses. It only removes sections of loading time between scenes. If you need to take breaks during the run it'll be easiest if you just allow the timer to continue running, then there's no need to manually penalise. There's also no need for any additional proof so long as the entire run is recorded in one video segment.

United States

Ok I'll definitely try the long load normaliser out. Thanks for the help guys! I'm excited to maybe actually submit a run one of these days.

I was searching for some unrelated info but just wanna say pretty big damn respect your way for doing something which is already hard and having an extra difficulty modifier on top of that.

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Alternative Autosplitter - Submission Changes

A new autosplitter/load remover for Windows, Mac and Linux has been made available for run submissions. For information and installation instructions, see .

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