new category
7 years ago
Rhode Island, USA

can we have a category for those who actually play through the level rather than use damage boosting to skip over everything. it's not a very long level to play through properly and i do agree that boosting over the fence is making use of movement mechanics in the game but nobody is even shooting down the chopper

Отредактировано пользователем автор 7 years ago
teh_supar_hackr нравится это


teh_supar_hackr и lilnate1191 нравится это

So kinda like glitchless but without any like rocket jumps or grenade boosts?

Rhode Island, USA

i think raintnt has a good idea, those who can do the damage boost over the fence instead of waiting on the old man should still be allowed to but require that the gun be disabled and the chopper shot down, that is really the only objective, lol watching deathwingua and raintnt glitchless they could probably still get under 3 min.

So like all major objectives% ?

Lyren и lilnate1191 нравится это
Rhode Island, USA

yeah, could call it whatever you guys want to, the same rule set for glitchless is good but add on that the gun and chopper must be destroyed. i'm trying to get the rocket jump over the first gate rather than waiting for the old man to unlock it, once i can get that i'll record and submit faster runs, got a couple casual play runs i could submit but i was stopping and looking at water and such so they're not really speed runs


Sounds like a category that makes sense yeah. I wouldn't be against it being a thing.

teh_supar_hackr нравится это
Missouri, USA

I'd call it a Casual%, or a Glitchless/No Boost%.


any updates on this?

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